Transmog Legendaries

Why should they add it

Because there’s no reason not to have it. It weakens customization options and devalues the legendaries by not being able to show them off

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I mean a big reason is it’s cata and it wasn’t available in cata. The transmog system is pretty similar to cata apart from the appearance tab which is an upgrade over saving gear in your bank :slight_smile:

neither was the appearance tab

Yes, which was added for quality life.

We’re going around in circles and I respect your opinion. Shame they’ll never be added.

I know you probably wasted a lot of time and money and gold into the game for legendaries that were bread from gdkp’s but it’s not a necessary addition to the game.

If it’s a change that’s going to make you quit then the game isn’t for you.

Now you’re just embarrassing yourself

Was I wrong

Honestly transmogging legendarys would be nice, but I do hope with TWW bringing cross-armor unlocking for transmog they’ll update Cata in a later patch with it as well and or eventually MoP classic when or if they do it.

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Damn, I got you riled up lol. Cata isn’t part of the classic trilogy and some changes are fine. In original cata I thought this was dumb too so I support xmoging legendaries. I’d say that you’re a professional assumption maker, but that would imply your assumptions are accurate lol

dude chill you are not even in the top 50 of the ranking of annoying nerds. i know its hard to believe but life is not ALWAYS about you

Geeze, get some sleep bro

i just got my alerts to when you respond to me because you are that super important to me and you got me super riled

Finally, you speak truth

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there are some specific nerds that make sure to be super annoying, you are not one of them, happens that you agree with them but they necrod every muh wrath topic for a week making this forum unusable

I understand your frustration. That level of hard headed-ness isn’t fun. I just don’t wanna go back to pservers again if possible. Well, this classic Andy is going to era. Have fun

theres literally zero reason to not let us transmog legendary weapons since we were supposed to get the retail transmog system

Yes, you were

damn that took a long time over 10 yrs later? lol

Nobody cares about your stupid legendary. I dont need to see a thousand thunderfurys everywhere. You are not special.

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Is Transmog already account-wide?

Not really sure how this works.

Are appearances tied to classes as well? So I can’t transmig my Mage with my Warlock tier and vice versa?