Transmog Legendaries

Amen brother

I wholeheartedly support this, please bring us legendary transmog. no reason not to do it and it’d be nice for people who went through the trouble of obtaining one to be rewarded for it

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Even then, rogues still can’t transmog glaives of azzinoth. So dumb.

ALOT of transmog is missing ! : i want high warload weapon …cant !

this is not missing, its only added in cata because its a whole new set that is added
the previous ones are still obtainable, but never mogable

Yeah I also don’t get why so many tabards are ‘white’ quality, making them unusable for transmog. Even if Blizzard wants these meaningless restrictions in place tabard quality is so incredibly arbritrary.

I have it transmogged now. Looks like I am special :))))))

Thanks blizzard!!!


sounds like yall didnt get them sorry that happen to you (or didnt)
i felt very special when i got mine 2 in 3 locks outs. only full pair in my guild at the time.
id very much like to see them again. its not for u to look at. its for me

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Glad you like the look of 20 year old pixels xox

I’m just happy my valanyr can be tmogged on hpal

Idk test it?

hey thanks i do

That’s good. I got them on launch back in the day when the game was relevant! They’re cool

Back in the day 2008? Im happy for u

Got the achieves too. Glad you guys got to transmog yours now!

I’ll be tmogging my pitchfork

Post them. The achievement. I want to see

Which would you like, thunderfury, azzinoth or shadowmourne.

Idk how you want me to post me achieves, it only shows my classic ones on this toon

I dont know u are the super smart one figure it out

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