Transmog Legendaries

Why can’t we transmog legendary weapons? Any semblance of classic is out the window. Let us show off our legendaries!


Legendaries, whites, grays, there’s no reason not to. Any complaints about how it “ruins the accomplishment” or whatever makes zero sense, because you can’t transmog something until you actually acquire it anyway. Let people show off their Thori’dals and Shadowmournes

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inb4 some muh classic trilogy andy saying it didnt belong to original and you should go to retail instead


I support not mogging things into legendaries. However, mogging things over a legendary would be nice.

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It took until SHADOWLANDS for blizzard to let people xmog legendaries which is just crazy.


I thought we were getting Retail Transmog, but it seems like we’ve got something more akin to Cataclysm…


Im pretty sure it was a large amount of work just to get greys and whites into the xmog system in retail. Legos would be nice tho

Lvl 20 characters running around with Shadowmourne won’t affect anyone’s immersion in any way because there’s already zero immersion when they have Invincible.


While I think legendaries should be transmogable, they should have a level requirement equal to the level needed to get it in the first place.


Sorry but that was a thing that was added late in BFA or maybe even shadowlands

Appearance tab wasn’t added until Legion, yet we have it now


Could never make legos transmoggablr until shadowlands.

isnt it a thing tho?
i mean, i cant mog lvl 80 gear as a lower lvl can i?

i saw jokerd having tbc gear mogged on a priest at around 40-50 a few days ago so i think it may actually be possible

Thanks but I’m getting a little tired of seeing every Tom, Dick, and Harry with Shadowmourne.

Appearance tab wasn’t a thing until Legion

What’s that got to do with legendaries being transmoggable

Your insistence that, since they weren’t a thing until a later expansion then they shouldn’t be in now

Yeah for sure, i don’t think it’s necesssary now. The appearance tab was pure quality of life.

Having trabsmoggable legos right now is not needed. It’s not quality of life. Maybe in mop but not atm.

I’ve certainly heard backwards logic before, but…