Transmog Grading Thread

B+ from me. The whole outfit screams Thalassian and the way it makes your eyes turn yellow is very striking on a Void elf. Grade lowered though because the green of the bow is off compared to the greens of the rest of the outfit.

Now before anyone gives me an F for theme, lemme explain this is Altielle’s Hallow’s End costume. She’s pretending to be a paladin.


For pretending to be a Paladin, A, if we’re doing a grading scale.

Mine isn’t very creative honestly but I swap around between sets every other day so it is what it is.

I’d give you a B+, honestly.

I love the sword, but the green orb clashes with the rest of the outfit and the golds just don’t really match up.

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Gonna give that one a solid B. It looks good but I dock points for being a full set. I understand though, mail is hard.

Alliance DK this time?!

EDIT: so I don’t clog up the thread responding to Vanndrel! Oh, in that case very well done, shifting it to a solid A, since it looks like a full set. Shows what I know about mail.

It’s not though.

As for the DK…A-. The actual look is downright epic…but the weapon looks like a kid’s toy.

Hey! It’s Sarestha’s alt!

While I miss Vanndrel’s trademark hood… I love this set! The shoulderpads and the crossbow positively exude magic, and the set otherwise looks down to earth and, functional. Love it! A+

I personally am a fan of more realistic armor so I love the set you’re using. It won’t be for everyone but for me? Perfect!

Love the monk look. I get the vibe that Ronnie lives in the hills somewhere and gives wisdom to those who seek him out, like the Hidden Master in Pandaria! The hood makes him look kind of mysterious, like Aragorn when we first see him in LOTR. The claw fist weapons look simple but highly effective. A+

Its simple but effective. Probably would be the race specific monk trainer for Zanda monks. Zandalar Forever/10.

Please don’t do my panda, do my dark ranger instead.

Oh wow that bow fits so well with the rest of the set!! I could imagine he killed a frost wyrm and turned every piece of its corpse into armor for himself.

You say he’s a dark ranger? Hm, I’m not sure he really gives off dark ranger vibes without a creepy hood. I know, Nathanos doesn’t have a hood either and I also think he is less dark-ranger-y for it.

Psst… Sarestha… please check ur mail on ur main, I sent you some in-character hate-mail from someone mad that you left the ebon blade hehe

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I don’t THINK vanndrel is sarestha but I could have massively misinterpreted a whole lot of things.

As far as your set goes, big fan! I don’t see it used very often. I’m curious if it might look a bit better without the helmet, since it’s a bit longer than I’d go for personally. The color scheme goes well with your character’s warpaint/tattoos too.

I am not Sarestha.

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i dont believe you but you have a solid mog. it’s kinda boring, but typically ranger types kinda aim for that. it’s a C for me, an average score for an average mog. definitely could see vanndrel as an NPC! (requiring blizz to make mogs that arent a D or lower)

now im definitely not sint, trust me.


I refuse to believe your character isn’t a drow. Points for using the bob haircut and the cool pointy shoes to match your big ol’ ears. Maybe a darker toned weapon to keep some balance? A-!

I WANT to like your mog, but I think a robe would do it more justice. But it’s something you don’t see everyday, and I’d definitely hold your hand in public under a streetlight.


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Alliance? Horde? I just wanna farm, for Light’s sake!


I’m not Vanndrel but he’s a cool elf man!

I’ll check my mail later on though. I’m a dumb Aussie so I don’t usually even get online until 1:30 server. I sometimes sneak a cheeky forum post or two at work though :wink:

Rating Hallis since he got skipped! Love your mog though I admit I got big death knight vibes! Feels like you’re holding some mad soul energy there! Set matches well and looks good though, even if the polearm is sliiightly off. A!

I feel as though the tabard doesn’t quite gel with the suit, and the shield seems almost TOO big for someone rocking a formal outfit xD Solid B though.

Don’t rate me I’ve already been. Rate my new shaman!


B, I don’t think two doomhammers is enough but I can’t help how nice that set looks when it’s complete. Especially for what it is.

That said it also feels strangely off… Like an AU Thrall conscripted into the horde as a grunt with no greater destiny like say… That One Title He Gained And Lost(coughworldshamancough).

I love that helmet on trolls. Seriously, looks awesome. Overall A with your outfit.

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Dubor looks like a brutish warrior man! But those shoulders mixed with that helm, mixed with tauren horns…

This is gonna sound wrong, but he seems like Excessively Horny Garrosh.

Which, because I never want to hear myself think those words again… comes to a C+ xD