Anyone have any transmog ideas I could use? I’ll admit, warrior has perhaps most of my least favorite transmog/armor looks in the game. I find most feeling either too… blocky or bulky most of the time.
Right now I’m just running the heritage armor with one of the BfA two-handed swords on for my Worgen. But I do want to know if anyone has other transmog ideas I could use on her that still fits well. I’m doing her as kinda themed after the Greyguards, Genn’s personal body guards, hence the heritage armor look. But I wouldn’t mind something that would look more… “protective” than just a nice suit
Hide everything. Be werewolf.
Still waiting for that claws option.
The sleek overlords set is always nice, or any of the more compact plate sets. This looks great in the white fur.
Helms are a no go, but the scarf things from the monthly TP look fine.
The chain mail tabards fit the whole transforming thing and don’t look terrible on a hunched over form.
Using some of the oversized wolf claw fist weapons actually looks pretty good in combat.
I like the back pieces from DF reps that look like banners. It fits warrior thematically.
I generally avoided most shoulders but I haven’t played mine in awhile. May be better options now with the shawl/cape combos.
Don’t fuss with boots too much. They get lost in the sauce.
I personally like the widow blade and rune blade green vanilla weapons for the overlord set. Sha enchant from remix looks good on them too.
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Garrison Blackrock set looks great on worgen warriors. Mine is a male though. Should be able to preview the armor look on wowhead. Not sure if you can select race/gender.
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Worgen warriors can use the shield and sword that has the wolf with roses which represents Gilneas. Only really works for worgen and they gotta be a warrior as they made that item warrior only for whatever reason
Can already see the chaos now, we’ll see male tauren hiding pants and running around town in their underwear punching things lol.
For Tauren specifically, we are basically there already.
There’s very little difference between Tauren Heritage Armor pants and Hide Pants.
That’s a Tauren with pants on lol
Necrolord Covenant, Plate.
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bogslayer pauldrons may fit the frame you’re looking for
also the shoulders from first boss in mgt (BC)
sunwell tier / s4 brutal gear may look okay too for a greyguard look
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There is literally no difference. They are like Griftah’s shoes.
My Worgen Fury Warrior wears the Anti-septic Bandages (from the first-aid shop in Legion Dalaran), the most tattered leggings he can mog and a belt. Everything else, aside from his two 2H swords, is hidden.
Ruthless Gladiator trust me that mog looks fierce on a worgen. It’s a old pvp mog during Cata but it’s the only plate armor that makes Worgen’s look more intimidating.
It is the one with blue flames with teeth on the helmet and shoulders. My Worgen on my other account wore that set for a very long time.
Ruthless Gladiator’s Battlegear - Item Set - World of Warcraft (
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