Transmog for Dracthyr's Dragon Form

Now that Dracthyr are getting more class options, I really think that this is more of a necessity than ever for the sake of customization and fun.

I don’t really see a great reason as to why this wasn’t already allowed from the get-go at the start of Dragonflight. I really think that Dracthyr can and should be able to use all armor options on their character. It’s been highly requested by the players of this race.

If it can work on Tauren and Worgens for as long as it has then I see absolutely no legitimate reason why it shouldn’t be done for Dracthyr. People will live if some helmets and boots look funky. People will live if the horns, tail, and wings clip. People have lived with Tauren tails, horns, and their giant back mane clipping. People have lived with Worgen, Tauren, Troll, and Draenei feet showing.

What’s the problem here?

Please, WoW teams, many others and I like how Dracthyr look and don’t want to be encouraged to play in the visage form in order to enjoy transmog. I didn’t make a male blood elf or a female human. I made a large, winged Dracthyr.


Is there a petition we can sign for this


Agree, its ridiculous.


Hard disagree. I love how the dracthyr look as they are. Forcing them to wear armor would be really weird as they are dragons with hardened scales that act as armor. Worgens and taurens get away with it because they lack scales so they wear armor. My only complaint is wishing there were more barbershop color options for the armor and also the ability to turn off shoulders / belt respectfully for the dragon form alone. So at least you can see the armor in visage form without having an appalling looking dragon. Maybe some armor sets that can be used on the dracthyr but idk.


It makes no sense. You find a piece of armor, you wear it, but it doesnt show off? What kind of magic is this. Are we dracthyr and is the visage form an illusion? Or are we elves and it’s the dracthyr form the illusion? Im a bit confused. I wished there would be no visage at all, so it would make sense to see our armors. We are about the same size as Worgens


I am forced to wear no armor in dragonform



So, you’re fine with them wearing armour but you hard disagree that they should wear armour?


It is not. Most gear in the game is hideous. They will never ever test gear on any other body than bald male human.

Dragonkind NPCs do not ever wear gear out of visage.

It’s a stupid idea that dilutes the race’s main fantasy/

And unless they separate transmog, all it will result in is the inability to make a functional look for visage.

If they don’t want to fix or unlock transmog, at the very least give us more options for the barbershop armour. And some more options for bulkiness wouldn’t hurt either.


Since they’ve shown that they can’t even make the tier sets match our limited barbershop options, they really should allow for actual transmogs.


I support more armour showing for Evoker, but only if they separate the two forms transmog wise. The lack of armour on the Dracthyr form was actually a selling point to me. I like the minimalist barbershop armour. If they just enabled mail I would have to have a completely naked Visage in order to keep the same look.

So yeh, give people more choice, but let us mog each form separately. I like having my Visage in a robe, and my Dracthyr form in just a breechcloth. I do not want to have a Visage that is stuck in underwear just because I want to show my barbershop armour. :frowning:


so are all the metal bits and bobs on all the drakonid npcs in valdrakken just… parts of their bodies?

what’s the racial fantasy that’s being ruined? looking like a winged gecko?


more transmogs for dracthyr. I’m almost abandoning ship, if all I do is search for transmogs and I can’t see them, why would I play as Dracthyr?


Separating the transmogs first at least even before adding transmogs would just be a huge benefit in general and some have requested it before, since even just the belts and shoulders between the two forms can muck up transmogs. It’s definitely be a start to do that at least! And would also mean it can resolve folks who want to stick to only barbershop armour.


Our back is permanently taken by wings, and I don’t think helmets will work without looking even more messed up then they do for worgans, but the rest can work. At the least, chest, shirt, belt, and gloves should be given so we can mix up our look.

Visage form should also be a different outfit much the same way different specs are different outfits

Actually yeah I take back what I said about cloaks being the only thing that needs to be hidden. Helmets may also be awkward specifically because of how dracthyr snouts can be lil short whelpling ones to the super long almost beak style ones. It’d be nice if they could make some work, ie, the ones that are just little hats on the top of your head, like the NPC in Stormwind.

Oh wow! And here I thought you’d love a helmet on your dragon. It’ll be awkward wouldn’t it?

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Because it’s the playable dragon race. It’s all I want out of it. I have 0 interested in e-peen displays. Hell my visage transmog presets are the red racer set and the red vald casual clothes.

Do drakonids wear tmog gear? Dragonspawn? Drakes? Other dracthyr?

It’s going to be the same if they do Naga, Centaurs or Ascended Nerubians btw. Even DHs, which aren’t actually on a creature rig, do not have full transmog functionality.

If you open the floodgates to full tmog on dracthyr they will absolutely not do this. You will end up with the same garbage as worgen, trolls, tauren and even elves have with their gear, only amplified further. Anyone who thinks they’ll make sure gear fits on anything but a bald human male is fooling themselves.

To clarify I’m not fussed over helmets on Tauren and Worgen. It’s specifically because the differences in head shapes are a lot more dramatic. Meaning that there’d need to be more work for it to be adjusted to the different shapes, potentially, or it’d be awkward if they shape stuff for a specific snout. And more effort = less likely for blizz.

This is honestly one of the biggest reasons I dislike playing my Evoker. What’s the point of having an excellent tmog, only to have it completely ignored by the Dragonkin form.

Extra annoying that unlike other shared forms (Worgen, for example), we ONLY get to see the Drakoid form on the login screen, and NOT the Visage aspect. Seriously, why BOTHER putting in the ability to change forms if Blizz couldn’t care less what we look like

And that’s aside from Devesatation feeling like an extremely wannabe clunky Mage. Self heals are nice, but i’d rather play a Boomkin, Ele Shammy, or MAGE if I want to pew pew pew and look extra cool doing it. And for the LOVE of Gawd, PLEASE remove that flipping 10 second cooldown on Soar.

It’s already a 1.5 cast like any other regular mount, but is incredibly POINTLESS when trying to farm mats or anything else because who wants to stand there the extra time?! Classic case of engineers who don’t actually PLAY the freaking game.