Transgender day of visibility

God I love Vicktoria’s shoulder armor.

Sorry if that’s off-topic.

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Yea I guess you learn something new every day

So it has to meet YOUR arbitrary standard to be added?


All he is doing is intentionally making threads, constantly, in a effort to incite conflict and hatred.
He’s the guy that upsets the crowd to the point of exploding… and then dips back to watch the chaos he caused.


That’s cute…

Because if it isn’t done to YOUR arbitrary standard… you throw a temper tantrum on the forums and then use hate speech to attack anyone that disagrees with you.


Just like the lowbie orc hunter. They bump when the replies stop flowing just to stir the pot, then sit back to watch the show until they need to stir again.


I’m just to the point where I scan what he has to say, put the appropriate flag on it, and walk away… unless he says something grossly idiotic. Without Rhielle… I’m spending less time on the forums.


And this argument between the two of you is why it is best if Blizzard remains quiet concerning all of our arbitrary standards. Because someone will be irritated when their special “whatever” isn’t represented in WoW.

Just leave WoW a video game and leave it at that. I mean, are y’all posting this sort of thing on like fortnight of FF14 forums or any other of the big video game forums out there? I’m guessing not, but I could be wrong.


I don’t play fortnite… and I didn’t care for FF14.

Bliz should have done something about his constant spamming, trolling, and threat posting access a long time ago. Obvious troll threads are left up and others are taken down leaving people sometimes to ask… why the inconsistency? Anyways… that’s a discussion for a different thread.

With all the other glaring issues we have collectively with the game… he’s timing his posts when tempers are already high and frustration/anger is at that spark point… this is all a game to him. He enjoys the chaos, no matter who it hurts.


Need specific days to virtue signal on?


Wait…Rogues, druids, hunters, mages…Night elves…

Yeah it all adds up.

In game I’ve never seen anyone talk about their sexuality or mention which sex they find attractive. They have special chat rooms for that. People log onto WoW to kill stuff.

The OP needs a forum ban, like right now.


That’s quite sad, because all that does is continue to breed division. Whether or not you think transgender is good/bad (a whole different argument I am NOT willing to get in to, just pointing it out), this just makes people more hateful of the other side.

Regardless of my beliefs, I wouldn’t want it said of me that I purposefully alienated someone or made them feel uncomfortable just to get a rise out of the opposing side.

You probably realize that he does this out of a broken position. He/she himself/herself, is doing it out of a position of brokenness and spews it onto others. This shouldn’t be.

I’d almost agree with you… but he posted several months back in one of his bait threads that he doesn’t actually care about LGBT+ issues. I feel no sympathy for someone who exploits real life issues just for his chuckles.

That’s what a certain troll subgenre does… they thrive on the chaos that cause.

The only people I alienate are the ones that pathologically go out of their way to stand in avoidable damage in game. It makes me want the game to evolve to the point where the player experiences what the character is feelings (Ready Player One anyone?).

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Have you played on the Oculus 2??? All I could think of was, Ready Player 1…so cool! It’s definitely the way of the future when it comes to gaming. If you’re into Star Wars, the Vader immortal series is amazing. 360 views with attackers on all sides. It’s so crazy!

Is there a special day to celebrate straight people? No one has ever celebrated the fact that I’m a man, and I like women. I don’t have a day where I can be proud of being straight. It seems like every time I try to be, someone has something to say that makes me shrink into the corner. I would just like a day where people can’t make me feel bad for being different than they are. Wouldn’t equality means everyone gets the same thing?


want me to tell rhielle you said hello?

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You know there are literally hundreds of combinations of pizza toppings? You could probably have a different pizza every day of the year!

Our president is doing a great job of representing the lgbt community. I’m very happy to see he is bringing to light the many issues the lgbt still faces today sadly. I think blizzard should include a lgbt positivity day or something if the sort in game. Could be a fun event!

Because the moderators on these forums are incapable of detecting concern trolling.

Person makes inflammatory posts/comments about a group they want to look bad.

Public gets annoyed at person, and by extension, the group they are setting up for that malice.

Moderator only sees a politically correct thread, and let’s the dumpster fire continue burning.