Transgender day of visibility

I can confirm its the mods discretion, but no you don’t have to break “serious rules” its whatever the mod feels that day because they have zero oversight

I was banned for a month for half a joke. HALF a joke

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I’m glad I can finally see you! And yeah, OP is a goober.

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Part of the visibility thing is hiding for safety. The idea of publicly saying, “we exist” to me is to show that we are people in the community that are just people like everyone else—it’s humanizing.


Anyone else feel like it might be the same 3 people making these kinds of post on multiple accounts, or is it just me.
Like that guy who was liking his own post using his own toons and got caught lmao.


The one person who I know’s a trolls is Tulrn - least I think that’s the name.
Anon’s also …being weird.

You’ll usually find actual queer people in the comments though.

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Your definition of troll is misguided at best. If you disagree with someone, it does not automatically make them a troll. I’ve always made good faith threads and the homophobes come running in frothing at the mouth with their hatred and discrimination. It’s sad but it just shows that Blizzard really needs to crack down on them and shows needs for real representation in the game.

Only one being rude or spreading hatred is you right now. Stop assuming that everyone is that way, at the end of the day this a forum for discussing WOW, not your personal life which we could really care less about.

BTW, I have been a subscriber to WOW for around 15 years and while there are those who do make nasty posts on forums and in game, most of the player base are not this way.

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As a transgender man I am begging you to stop making these threads. They’re doing harm.


He wants the social points.

Transgender people don’t need visiblility, they need adequate legal protection.
I hate this visibility crap. It doesn’t bring about actual change.


Are you implying trans people are a joke?

Grab some popcorn and watch the circus called society

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Having to see that picture of that fat ugly man with a pink wig on Twitter was nauseating. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

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Imagine people spent more time acting against trans injustices towards trans people in North korea then on a vidya game

I already told him that exact thing once before, and he freaked out and accused me of stalking him.

…real class act.


No let me educate yourself, trans people are not invisible, Trans Visibility day is just the day where they can come out and raise awareness of their existence!

People are already aware of your existence. Do we see straight people asking for their existence to be recgonized no. Do something with yourself and advocate for more equal rights in China or North Korea.


Real class something and I would leave the first letter of the last word and replace the other 2.

It’s called Gender Dysphoria, and it’s a serious mental illness. Those suffering from it are being manipulated and lied to that it’s “normal” which is why the suicide rate is so high among those who go through with what people are trying to tell them to do.


The suicide rate is high because of persecution trans people get not because they are unhappy with their body. And Gender Dysphoria is always diagnosed with trans people when they come to terms they are trans.