Transgender day of visibility

Here’s the thing. These people have a specific investment in regards to LGBT+ topics. They literally cannot stop themselves.

It’s simple, they hate LGBT+.

What’s really sad is that yes, I have transgender friends, but I didn’t think the OP was serious, I had to google Joe Biden to discover that this is not an April Fool’s joke,

I hope that doesn’t offend transgender people, I am all for people being treated equally with respect regardless of their sexuality/sexuality identity, but I am simply concerned that all these extra demands for special representation will divide us as a society is all,

On the bright side it doesn’t matter as we are all going to the Maw to face our eternal punishment when we die anyway, it’s our natural destination.

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The thing is I believe you might mean well based off your post, I think you might not be fully aware of the issues transgender people especially face, however I don’t think you are an outright transphobe- the same cannot be said for a lot of other posters on this thread who hold despicable views however

Keep the politics out of WoW.


Oh forgive me its only because this forum has a history of LGBTQ people asking for special representation on a monthly basis, and I will be honest, these days I can never tell if it’s an actual LGBT person or some angry straight white dude deliberately trying to stir the pot for their own agenda,

It’s getting more and more confusing these days. But Biden is President, so if he supports transgender rights, great. I got a really good transgender friend in real life going through the male to female transition, but truthfully I don’t actually see them as a ‘transgender’ I see them for the unique individual person they are.


imagine getting a pizza delivery transmog, pepperoni pizza off hand and pizzabox shield transmogs lol

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Trans visibility day is real, it is today, nothing trollish about it.


Yeah i got that. Sorry for thinking it was an April Fool’s thing.

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Your theme song ?


Which is great, really…

…but can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that a post about the transgender day of visibility is, in fact, hidden?

No matter your socio-political beliefs, the irony of that is funny.

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That’s great and all they have a special day but why is it not in June? I had never even heard of it.

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No we don’t hate LGBT people , we support them . We don’t like you personally and not for being part of the LGBT community (if you are ) but because you make these threads that honestly don’t help the LGBT community and plenty of members of it have told you so .

You could make pro straight threads at the level you make these and people would still be annoyed with you .

TDLR : It’s not the topic of LGBT or Transgender that is the problem , it is the person making the threads.


June is for LGBT, today is for Trans specifically.

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Wait what? Isn’t trans part of LGBT +


Yes but June is for everyone in LGBTQ+, but today is specifically for Trans.


Are there special days for lesbians, bisexuals, gay, non binary ect?

Lesbian Visibility day is 26 April (so it’s close), Non Binary awareness week is 14 July.


I never heard of any of this, wow

Honestly, it would be kind of nice if Blizzard continued to do what they have always done: Stay out of this sort of thing in the game. Because the reality is, if they do this, then they NEED to do it for all groups. you know, for fairness and all.

And personally, it’s been nice throughout the years that Blizzard has stayed neutral in all areas, and that this game has been essentially “amoral” if you will.

Because if you’re asking for special things in game, then I will be too. And I don’t think in either case, it would be appropriate.


See? this is the main purpose of Trans Visibility day, to raise awareness.