Transgender day of visibility

Thats the point of his threads. He is at best trying to start a flame war with his bait threads at worst actively trying to harm the lgbt community.

What can blizzard do? His posts are BS but given the content it would be Twitter suicide to ban him. Any reasonable person can see he is trying to incite hatred but taken one post at a time out of context and he would just make himself look like the victim.

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I absolutely loathe threads like this, someone pretending to be a LGBTQ ally and only seeking to harm us.

For other trans players out there - I see you, I support you, and you are valid.


It’s been Sunday for over a year thanks to the pandemic.

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He’s been making these topics since like August to my earliest awareness. My post got removed for saying stop face shoving and making the actual group look bad, but this clown is still here leading the crusade still? Lmao okay.


why I’m not part of the LGBT community at large. At this point it doesn’t feel like they are pushing for acceptance anymore but to show how different and special they are.


It is literally internationally recognised. Flag wasn’t really necessary.

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If you are truly looking after trans people and promoting their validity, then I don’t care if you think I’m the worst of the worse, as long as the world is kinder to LGBT+ personnel

I used to tweet these kinds of threads at Blizzard CS because they become full of bad behavior. I no longer use twitter but I encourage everyone with a twitter to complain about these threads on twitter to bliz cs.

Explain the whole situation, about the guy repeatedly posting as bait and how it harms our community. Enough vocal complaints and this thread will go byebye.

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Thank you.

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You’re probably the worst kind of person for trying to represent. Its thread after thread and all it does is making people facepalm. We get it, either you’re a troll or being legitimate but the point stands is, no one’s buying it and ruins it for the people who actually want to show how fine LGBT is. Eventually you’re just going to get yourself into trouble because of it. Give it up already and let someone have a chance at it, whether or not its trolling or actually trying to promote LGBT, neither one is clearly working for you.


I remember the time he made this thread

All while not addressing actual transphobic behavior in his orbit.

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Trolling for lawsuits and theres nothing that’s done.

just like the criminal element.

nothing can be done

Is this a hot button political issue in Azeroth?

They have an activist mod here sadly. Complete with the reddit like ego.


You realize that for a while we trans people couldn’t serve in the military and the ones that were serving got discharged so don’t give me your sob story about your privilege to choose to serve.

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nor should i feel sorry for you.
Every decision leads to consequences. You made yours I made mine. I can live with mine. Clearly ya’ll got issues with yours.


I didn’t choose to be trans. I was born this way.


It’s about Forum trolls who don’t care about the game, playing inappropriate games and trying to entrap forum readers AND abusing the flag system.


The name sounds like a really crappy piece of armor. Imagine being a rogue wearing a leather armor of visibility. Old politicians are notoriously uncreative.

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