Transgender day of visibility

Only a rouge would wear leather armor of visibility.

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/Drink :beers:

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its just a clear “Extreme” side of the the LGBT community, whatever acronym you want to add on that or something, there’s always going to be those people, even in game (I personally came across as well) who will just outright report you to oblivion for not siding with them in the slightest and you can’t do anything about it, all because someone said they don’t care about them, expressing explicitly he neither supported or hated. THAT is the piss poor misrepresentation of the LGBT community that he was attacked by and all that does is make them look WORSE.

Here on these forums, its no different. Throwing baseless attempts, again, just seems borderline trolling or terrible methods. There’s someone who wants people to stop asking for any representation and just do a damn charity event and be nicer human beings. THAT person has their #*$& straight, leagues than what OP is trying to pull here. Games don’t need anything to add because its not their goal, there’s no content in it, there’s no fun in it, all it does is add awful pandering to a group of people who wish to be recognized as if they weren’t human but treating personal identity as a problem when it never has been. Its Blizzard’s choice or quite frankly, any developers choice to add if they want to.

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That might be second grade biology, but I also took biology in high school, so it must be a little more complicated than that.

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Darn rogues.

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Actually I think my university genetics class trumps your second grade biology class where everything is simplified and intended for children.

First, there’s a third sex—intersex where people are born both male and female at the same time.

Then there are variants such as XX men and XY women and xxy xxxy xyy xyyy etc phenotypes.

Then there is the one prevailing hypothesis that the brain developed while one set of hormones was active while other parts developed while others were surging literally making a male brain in a female body and visa versa. I’m using laymen’s terms of course.

Then there was the brain structure studies that show that the brains of trans men without hormones are structurally closer to men and transwomen’s brains are structurally closer to womens’ brains.

There’s most definitely a biological element to being transgender.

:rainbow: Science.


And sadly as you can see the WoW forums are filled with transphobes. I understand that you might think I’m a bad messenger but this is the reality of the situation. They hate us, and because they can’t make use violence against us anymore, they still want to make us disappear in any way they can find. That starts with erasure of trans visibility.


They most certainly can.

Last year had the highest trans murders in the us ever and there’s already been a bunch this year. We were talking about it in the local support group Zoom meeting.


Those people are the exception, like there are people who were born with 4 fingers, 3 feets, 1 extra head, or 1 hand. Calling them “the third sex” is something that only United Circus of America would do.


I’m just confused how people can ask for both equality, and special celebrations at the same time. The american 4th of July, christmas, presidents’ day, arbor day. None of those exclude any trans, gay, Asian, black, woman, etc. No one ever celebrates me for being straight (don’t confuse existing with being celebrated. No one cares about by sexual preference). I just don’t understand how we are supposed to see this stuff as normal, when we are also expected to celebrate it, while at the same time, downplaying our own preferences. I want to treat everyone as equals, judged based on actions and personality. This is not an option when we have months dedicated to entire groups of people.


It doesn’t matter if they are rare, they exist and that’s factual.


Por Que no los dos

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True, I guess I should have said the government doesn’t support it anymore, but there is still a culture of hatred against LGBT+ and as you can see it’s alive and strong here on these forums.

They exist, but calling them the 3rd sex is reaching.


If everyday was pizza day you’d just hate pizza after awhile.

Varity is the spice of life~

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I was deeply worried we wouldn’t have an LGBT thread today. Fortunately my fears were allayed.

I recommend tomorrows topic be on LGBT Transmog: Accepting and Fashionable.


You’re nitpicking some miniscule unimportant detail and overlooking the point of my post. Perhaps try contributing to the conversation?

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Zandrae I can tell by your post you are qualified and educated on this subject, but what I would recommend is not trying to argue with these people. They don’t want to be educated, they only want to pester like insects. Simply put they hate us for who we are, and we can’t change them, but they are a dying breed thankfully


Now that’s irony


I’ve read lots of scientific studies and won an award for my writing on trans issues irl.

But I also like fighting on forums. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Besides if some third party ehappens to read my post and gets a better understanding of things then I’ve helped someone.