Transgender day of visibility

I’m going to need some citations on these alleged attacks happening.

As other has said, maybe start own event and get a party going.

Also, as a Trans man, Idk, when I come to games it’s to play. Sure holiday events are fun and all but honestly I don’t think we need a micro holiday in game for it.

I just surrounded myself with players who became friends and family over the years and we have our own little micro celebrations.

I don’t come to the game to be visible ,others closest to me knew and have known and never been an issue

Let me explain what happened

“She” was much above average, in the game mentioned, coach Bernadinho was angry because nothing stopped the “female” player - it was difficult to compete …

… and the coach had to apologize.

…Yes it’s serious.

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X to doubt here.

First of all, trans women are women. Your use of she in quotes is gross.

Second of all, if they were really a threat don’t you think that in the 17 years they’ve been permitted to compete in women’s sports for the olympics there would have been at least one who qualified to participate?

This case of the Brazilian trans woman may not be that she’s exceptional but that her peers are simply subpar.

Given the olympics situation I’d say her competition just sucks.

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As a matter of respecting what a person wants to be called or referred to as, I will do it.

But that doesn’t mean they are what they call themselves. We can say it as much as we like, but it just isn’t the reality of it.

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I think it’s also worth mentioning that the fear of the mythical transgender female olympic athlete has caused harm to cis women of color from the global south who have naturally higher levels of testosterone than white european women for whom the testosterone base line is taken.

For example, two-time olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya has been banned from participating. Basically she’s not considered woman enough and will be forced to go on unnecessary hormone replacement therapy if she wants to continue her athletic career.

It’s a total abomination.

Start by googling Fallon Fox.

It is in game.
Go be visible.

Done and done.

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Why would I want to read fake news anti-trans propoganda?

Newsflash: The injury rate in pro MMA is like 29% yet you aren’t listing off the extensive list of injuries not caused by transwomen.,injuries%20per%20100%20competitor%20rounds.&text=Facial%20laceration%20was%20the%20most,%2C%20and%20eye%20(8.3%).

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You’ve muted the thread, yet responded to the muted thread and complained about being notified on said muted thread? Are you okay?

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Yes, we know. Anything that doesn’t support your theories, wants, and ideals is “fake news”.

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Transgender woman is a real woman so it’s fair. Don’t blame others for your lack of training.

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Training? I think you misspelled “indoctrination”.

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No, don’t blame your (or that 2 woman) shortcoming on the trans community, train better instead.

Agreed! There’s no reason to say a transgendered women is not a real women!

If the MMA fighters leaned towards kickboxing, the prevalence of head injuries in kickboxing is somewhere around 40% and skull damage is likely common.

Yet we never hear about it on the news because a transgender boogie woman is not involved so it’s not newsworthy.

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What? No offense intended whatsoever, but Fallon Fox is a well documented trans fighter attempting/has fought in Females fights?

It’s not fake news, there are literal videos of Fallon’s fights lol.

And if you watch those fights, you will see a very distinct, clearly identifiable physical advantage.

All Trans people deserve their own category in sports, regardless of how you feel about it - the advantages are not negotiable in that instance.

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It does not matter. A trans woman is still a woman and should be treated as such.

I agree to disagree with specific reference to the point I just made. That is an unfair advantage in combat sports and should be treated as an unfair advantage.

I see no reason to not give a category to specifically trans women.

And I brought up the prevalence of injuries in MMA and Kickboxing: They happen all the time. Like very very frequently, especially kick fighting and head injuries.

The only reason this woman is getting attention is because she’s trans. Otherwise it would never be reported.

It’s a boogie woman situation.