Transgender day of visibility

That’s what I don’t get. You could exist and succeed the whole time. When couldn’t you?

You just get mad because some people just don’t understand what you are. And they most likely never will. But who cares? As long as they aren’t being violent, or outright discriminating against you, then they have the right not to “get t”.

I wish you nothing but happiness in the future.

Before same sex marriage was made legal, I could not marry my GF. I had to fight for that right. Thanks to me and some others, my state made it legal before the government made it federally legal.

Before laws to stop companies from doing so, I could be fired for being Gay/Trans. In fact I have been fired twice. Once the job I had while transitioning fired me, and at the time it was legal to do so. They claimed they weren’t able to deal with my situation and did it for “my own good” to protect me from customers/coworkers who’d dislike me. I was out of work for almost 2 years until I could “pass” because no one wanted to hire a person named Dylan who obviously looked like a Diana.

These things, we succeeded in fixing (for the most part. Some companies still fire LGBT people but hide behind other reasons).

This is wrong, you don’t seem to know me at all or haven’t read many of my posts. I am not the type screaming for everyone to love me and demanding representation. I’m just a dude living my life. I don’t walk into a gas station and be like “Hey I’m Trans, give me $10 on pump 5” 99% of the time no one knows I’m trans at all. The only reason why I even mention it on the forums is in comments responding to these topics.

And I don’t care if Billy-Bob in nowhere Alabama hates me and thinks I’m going to hell. Let him. I don’t care if Karen from Kentucky believes being LGBT is a choice and doesn’t understand me. I couldn’t care less. I have my wife, my friends, and those of my family who didn’t chose to disown me. I’ve surrounded myself with people who love me for me and accept who I am.

I am actually more mad at people making these topics that just turn into toxic hatefests, than I am at those like you who make assumptions about me and put words in my mouth.


During my lifetime you could be arrested and serve jail time for the “crime” of homosexuality in most US states.
My grandmother remembered when the 19th Amendment passed, I remember Jim Crow.
Our current situation is very liberal compared to most of our history, there is still opposition to our current situation and even some people who are nostalgic for the traditional white/strait/male/protestant run society. The gains have been hard won and are very much still reversable.


This is why I always advocate for more representation through ALL forms of media. Awareness is the first step to acceptance.


I actually admit I assumed you WERE one of those people on these forums making a spectacle of themselves for some reason. But after reading your last post, I think I understand your stance better.

Thank you for taking the time to explain your side to me., and I am very sorry for the nonsense you have had to endure. Take care.

All it proves is that the mods are tired of wasting their time restoring threads that are flagged by transphobes so they make it unflaggable.

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Exactly! The lgbt deserves better so Blizzard just removes the flag completely. OP said nothing wrong. I hope blizz took action against the false flagger.


That’s fine but when the OPs start false flagging people with Actual threats and the Mods restore them , which they have done then don’t take actions against the OPs for that then that is a different issue.

Just because a person does not agree with you does not mean they are making a threat against your life or well being. Even members of the LGBT community here in the forums have spoken out against this OP . But I guess since they don’t agree with the OP and those who parrot him they must not be LGBT enough .

Why ? They didn’t do anything when you both false flagged those that disagreed with with you as making actual threats . Most of those responses were restored .


I’ve never flagged anyone unless they are blatantly breaking forum conduct.

NGL, it’s pretty trolly behavior to change what people say in quotes. Especially when it can be used as a malicious way to say that others said something they didn’t. Flagged.


Hi another alt on the list…

hums some Pink Floyd

You can call me an alt all you’d like. But what purpose does changing what someone says in quotes serve? None at all, it adds no contribution. The only thing it really does is inflame a response. Basically you are inciting a fight, which is not cool to do. Stick to actual discussion instead of trying to inflame people friend.


Although the standard “Fixed that for you!” may be taken as snarky/rude; when a post clearly identifies the fact that the quote was changed, which that does, then it doesn’t really say that the other said something they didn’t.

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No one in Azeroth cares. Why would “Pride” be a thing in Azeroth?

Why would I thank you for changing the quote to my reply? Talk about desperate…


Why would Chinese new year and Christmas be a thing in Azeroth?


-because the vast majority like these dates.

-because companies and stores sell more products on those dates.

-because a country’s new year ends up bringing good visibility to the company, speaking in a commercial way.

-because they are dates of more neutral things that do not cause complications for the company.

-because one is the transition from one year to another of a country - a gigantic date tbh - and another is simply a date celebrated around the world, a tradition of many years, many many years.

Wanting a date to celebrate something that comes from a minority and ends up embarrassing more than helping, and there are people from the lgbt group who want it and there are people from the same group who don’t want it, it makes the cause even less important and it’s not worth for the company - in fact isn’t worth it for anyone.

Aaaaand it would end up bringing confusion and fights between the players.
Christmas and Chinese New Year never brought confusion or fights between players.

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Tell that to the two women ( so far ) in sports who had their skulls fractured by a man who says he’s a woman.

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You are also breaking the TOS.

BTW, I keep muting these threads yet still get notified?


this is very bad … we have these types of cases here too …

there was a case where a “female” volleyball player was far above the average of the other realfemale players in strength - speed - movement…

yep, this is bloody serious

and “she” scored points as if it was nothing. They couldn’t be compared.