Transgender day of visibility

I think pride would be an amazing event to add to the game. Prove me wrong.

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Azeroth has no lore context for pride. They have no history of LGBT being oppressed or reviled. Their homosexual and transgender individuals have not had to fight for rights. A female orc can rise to the same rank and be just as strong a warrior, shaman or hunter as a male. Azeroth is already a lot more progressive than the real world in that regard. There is no in-game context for the existence of a pride event, it would be lore-breaking, and thus the only and entire reason for it’s addition would be to serve an IRL purpose.

Azeroth also does not have events for the thousands of other movements and awarenesses in our world, there is no event for Autism awareness, no event for Breast Cancer awareness, no event for Teen Suicide awareness, and so many more. And there are not enough days in the calendar to include them all, so what makes LGBT special enough to get one when all the others don’t? Nothing. Just very very obnoxiously vocal people here on the forums creating troll bait posts for selfish attention.


It’s amazing the things Talonel is getting away with saying. Meanwhile I request a title announcing that I’m attracted to Christian women and that gets removed as a “real life threat” despite being of equal relevance in Azeroth as Pride.

I guarantee this post gets removed before any of Talonel’s garbage. California values.


All the people who argue slavery wasn’t a good thing clearly haven’t played Civilization VI as the Aztecs.

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Maybe it’s because you post vulgar material? Talonel does not post anything that’s against forum rules. Obviously you did if you got your post removed.

We already have the barbershop

I realized he was a total troll along with his encouraging cohorts when he seemed proud to be able to jump on alts to like his own posts. The 80 achievement troll is probably a separate account of his, but I don’t know or care.

It’s pretty clear they aren’t serious and are trying to make people anti-LGBT so I won’t even bother responding to them anymore.

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Although you’re probably right the rules change and are subject to interpretation, there is a chance you may be wrong, in my experience it may be likely but simply based on the fact that it was deleted it’s not obvious.

Why do you feel the need to attack and belittle someone over feedback? You seem to be the one acting like a child with no filter. Please control yourself.


Yeah the thread title is stupid that’s why it got removed.

I think you answered your own question.

It doesn’t count when he is using his own alts to like his responses .


THis is one of the reasons I keep saying that the company should just give him what he wants but monkey paw style . That way when it does happen the actual LGBT community knows who to blame.

I think he should get suspended for spam.


I agree but if that happened how would they be able to virtue signal for their sjw street cred .

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I wonder how long this forum warfare will be able to go on in reality. Let’s see how many threads there will be before the moderators decide enough is enough lol. I personally find this garbage entertaining.

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Thank you!

Someone said it :pray:

His post has been buried and then restored, meaning Blizz has no problem with it, i don’t think you can flag OP anymore.

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Oh yeah this just proves virtue signaling is more important to them then their own ToS .

Support LBGT fine they should but they should and they should do it the right way . Get with players form the LGBT community and brainstorm some ideas . They could send out surveys to say Proudmore .I know it is only one server but it has a large LBGT community that could give Blizz some real ideas for their community .

Something like that would show the LGBT community more real support then virtue signaling these troll threads.

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All in moderate quantities is good…
But in excess (like mr void elf) it could negatively impact everyone.

I do agree with people like you (which, are all the LGBT I know in real life, none act like Talonel… is just like he is just roleplaying a imaginary character). You should be treated with the same standards as everyone else and fight for it if necessary.

Is not LGBT people that act like that, nor “X” group of people who put all of you in the same group as the perceived snowflakes. Plot twist, they are both the same people, people who will never come in terms with anyone because of their ego (the ones that want to be special Talonel-style and the ones using other narcissists to push their narrative to look better than them or any group of the people they choose as their target).

I do not disagree with the addition of LGBT NPCs introduced in a respectful manner (not exploited like Soldier 76 after Blizzard stock was falling due to Diablo Immortal and they weaponized the hints of 76’s sexuality ), rainbow stuff (which I use like the chromatic sword and toys because Nyan alt goes brrrrrrr) or community led LGBT events (regardless if I invest my values into “everyone should act as if everyone is an equal”, I recognize that people have the right to express their social or national identity, like yours which aligns with many people even outside the LBGT group, in the sense that others struggle because of discrimination and being victim of persistent biases in society)
Subtle stuff or led by the community
My issue with what Talonel wants is that he wants Blizzard to do the actual event in a corporate manner (which apart from how ugly I perceive corpos touching anything, just think about it as throwing water in the ant nest… people who do hate that stuff to the core will bite back at everyone related to “the water”, and erase any progress made into slowly changing their views on the issue)

But anyways, deep respects for you and congrats!!

Now you are a husband, someday you may even be able to become the father of the family too thanks to that first step :smiley: