Transgender day of visibility

Lol the clown is replying to u and insta liking on his alts again.


And he couldn’t even reply to me with Moob is the bestest.

That has to be the real tragedy here.


dang bro, you got blown out of the water 11-2 for every 11 people that agree with talonel only 2 agree with you lol. that’s embarrassing bro.


I’m glad you’ve admitted to it, as players have been suspended for it before. In your case, a permaban would be more appropriate though.


Sorry to inform you, but that’s just a rumor that was spread around homie.

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Or he’s not breaking any CoC.


You reply to every LGBT thread with hated and bigotry. give it a rest.

Don’t you spam the LGBT threads and flood the forums with it give it a rest. And no i support LGBT but not these trolls.


He mass flagged me with “real life threat” while I was promoting equality in favour of LGBT and while, ironically, I was making fun of conservatives (he has an army of confirmed alts that he uses on this forum)
Part 1:
Part 2:

He used his 12 literal alts to give himself 12 likes.
He is just making bait-troll post which is against the code of conduct… and abusing the report system.


Hmm… my opinions haven’t changed. The answer is still a “no thanks.”

Why? What does a video game have to do with real-life stuff in any way?

You take the forums too seriously. Take a step back and relax.

thankfully Im protected by the Mute, lol

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I just sometimes want to give my opinion because I see others do so, but when is time for banhammers the others giving aggresive opinions and actually trolling get away, while on the same thread I was being respectful I get flagged and deleted comments and even get "vacations"

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:man_shrugging: You’re getting post deleted and flagged for a reason.

Real life threat?

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I’m not clicking on the links, but if the mods removed it, its for a reason.

Not commenting on you being flagged, I don’t have a response on that.

But I do want to comment on your stance of “pride being a bad thing”

While I get your point, and agree to an extent, I think part of the issue is a lot of people don’t understand “Pride” the way it was meant to be.

As someone who actually lobbied for the right to marry my wife, and risked losing my job if my boss saw me at the state capitol with my protest sign, for me the Pride marks the achievement in what we won with equal marriage laws and the laws to stop us from getting fired for our sexuality. I am not “Proud” to be trans, I am Proud that I fought for my right to exist and succeeded.

And it is also pride in being who you are, because for a long time we were told what we are is evil, degenerate, deviant, sinful and wrong. So the celebrations of Pride are to fight back against that, and to shake off our feelings of low self worth and take pride in who we are.

I’m not saying certain members of LGBT don’t take it too far, shove it too much in people’s faces, and make it far too much a part of their identity and self worth… because they totally do. But I just don’t think LGBT Pride in and of itself is bad, and I think comparing it to Arian Pride is very wrong. The misconception is that LGBT Pride (and Black Pride) is us saying we are proud and thus better than White/Straight/Cis people, and it’s not. It’s us saying that we refuse to accept that we are less than, as society has so long tried to make us believe, and instead we are embracing pride in being us, and acceptance of who we are.

People who twist it into meaning we are trying to say we are better, or special, is creating something that isn’t there, or at least isn’t supposed to be there (I do admit that again some LGBT do push it to far and make it this, but I like to think/hope that they are the minority).

Also, as it bears saying - I do not support Pride stuff in WoW. i’ve said why many times in this thread and others so I wont get into that.


Or referring to a certain hearthstone player wanting to free a certain country, which net many people a 1000 year ban from the forums…