Transgender day of visibility

And that take makes you just look like a fool, like I’ve stated already. And it does. So much so you need your alts to like your own posts.


Or hey leave it up and increase your chances at a lengthy ban for posting a video with a transphobic slur in it. Your call I don’t really care baby boy.

you all so special you get a gold star

It’s kinda like the people who think you should be ilvl cap as soon as you hit max level because they don’t wanna work hard for what they want.

“I have to say, I really think you are reading more into that Simpson Video, than is there.”


I know the Simpsons writers tend to be quite left wing so I could give them the benefit of the doubt, it’s just the use of that word is so disgusting and awful. I’ve seen how much it hurts close friends of mine.

“People need to learn to laugh again. I remember when humor was just that, humor. It didn’t need all these rules to be funny. I miss those days.”


to be fair hes been doing that this entire time…


that episode came out in like 2006. times change. back then we literally used trans**** and transgender to differentiate between pre or post op

It takes an extremely high amount of intellect to understand the high IQ behind marcus’s adventure’s in the steamy romances novels. Change my mind.

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you mean like the content of one’s character thats just silly

I’m afraid I can’t. My limited understanding lead me to believe they are a series of metaphors detailing the ever changing landscape of socioeconomic conditions in the third world.


Indeed, in the steamy romance volume: Got Milk? We get a small but very clever detail about the current state of the economy in Highmountain and how the Legion severely damaged the economy and how the downtrodden tribalistic society led to increased poverty. In the novel, a tauren has to have cheese made from her own breast’s milk because milk from any other source was impossible to come by because of the economic climate. This is a harrowing story of poverty that many overlook due to the censorship of the mysterious “Blizzard Entertainment” overloads. For some reason they do not want us to realize the state of the highmountain economy. Perhaps this mysterious “Blizzard Entertainment” was secretly working for the Legion. Or perhaps they have an overly large value on capitalism and think people should starve for the sanctity of it.

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oh god that thumbnail makes it look awful its really not i promise


I think it’s hilarious you’re jumping on alts to like your own posts.

You’d be banned for it but you get preferential treatment. What was that about equal rights again?


You come on every lgbt thread to try and stir the pot. Why don’t you just ignore them if they bother you so much? Do you enjoy being so hateful to the LGBT community?


What have I said that’s hateful?

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at least he tried lol


please no. no group ‘needs’ a visibility day. I honestly dont think any game out there is designed to keep any group down, and thus doesnt need to make up for anything. just play the game, have fun, and let it be what it is.


Yeah? How about you show me where?

Oh it isn’t here, and you’re just making things up? Imagine my shock.