Transgender day of visibility

:popcorn: this thread is quite interesting to eat popcorn with

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Ain’t no thread like an LGBT thread because LGBT threads literally never stop.

No way, they’re the tolerant ones, ya know.

They totally won’t shout and threaten you at all.

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Wednesday identifies as Sunday now.


Lol you can’t just “stop” being gay, we’re born that way.

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Look man he did it

All you need is a good priest apparently

A Druid just healed him. Now he ain’t gay anymore.


It’s protected by the mods. It’s cool how rules are applied evenly.


You talk like being gay is a disease/illness, which is incredibly offensive.

If an older lady called me luv I will be happy.

You talking 24/7 of what is happening in your bedroom is annoying.
Who is your lover and what you do should be private: no need to constantly yell it at people.

There is soooo much lgbt people everywhere, straight is becoming minority and the new “IN”, lol.


I’ve seen some LGBT thread got buried, is this true?

A couple got closed when they seriously derailed and turned into insult-filled shouting matches or political rants.

The same folks just make more.

Perhaps we should just have a mega-thread where all the special content requests could be listed in one place instead of repeating spam threads; Maybe that would settle things down a bit.

Honestly I thought the transgender day of visbility was some kind of joke until I actually Googled the news, so I would have thought the OP was trolling, I do apologize for thinking that, it’s just sometimes I can’t tell if someone is just mocking the trans community or not.

Seems to be very true. They get buried but then they are reinstated by the mods, which I think is pathetic since most of them are either nothing but trolls or have nothing to do with WoW so they don’t belong in general and could be moved to the off-topic forum.

It’s funny how the mods will merge threads like the dinosaur mount or High Elf threads, that have everything to do with WoW but won’t merge, move, or close these threads that have nothing to do with WoW.


 technically the ones that are asking for special in-game content, kinda do have SOMETHING to do with the game, from that aspect at least.


it’s just that there are getting to be an annoying number of them, so some folks are complaining for that reason. Also, some of them ARE trolls.

Oh ok, here’s his topic
You have like 4 topics like these so they all run together. If anything, Mega thread it so we aren’t flooded with this every single day

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YEah because if it is a younger one calling you it then what they are say is "Your a harmless old man "

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A lot of them are from the same few OPs and they make multiple threads on LGBT topics in a short span of time. I’ve honesty have given up for now because the mods would rather virtual signal for SJW street cred then enforce the ToS in regards to these few people making spam/troll threads.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave me a forum vacay for hitting them in their safe space.


They can and will. It’s happened to me more than a few times.