Transgender day of visibility

That and the whole trans existence boils down to people fighting about your existence online

You a merely a debate topic, not a person

Yeah, so much for that equality stuff that people claim to want.

I feel this a lot.

Why can’t I just be a normal effing dude and be left alone to live my life?

My representation in this game is rolling a male worgen. No one even knows I’m trans in game, I only tell people here because its the topic being discussed. If I didn’t then I’d get called a homophobe/transphobe for not falling in line with all this nonsense.


Grifters, the answer is almost always grifters. There’s money to be made in conjuring up problems, and then being a professional activist for those problems.

Behind every social justice issue, is a grifter making money by stirring the pot. They don’t want you to just live your life, because if the problem goes away, they can’t grift.


sure why not enjoy your day people

I’d say a lot of this comes down to lived experience from person to person in the trans community, if they’ve had it rough and been treated less than human at some points then they be far more likely advocate for trans rights

The fact that we still have to argue about everything trans I’d say still is a fairly decent indicator that the trans community isn’t on a level playing field

Biggest problem I’d say really is the over zealous types that give anyone in any community a bad name because it’s horrible optics


The heteros are upseteros.


So if the posts are against the tos flag and move on. Seems hypocritical for people here to bellyache about it being an off topic post yet they’re adding to it with political drivel.
But whatever.

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Despite that these names you’re listing already have a fan base of their own accord? And aren’t strictly conservative? Blaire is moderate right, but people elope her as conservative due to her leaning.

These names are poor examples. If you debated they can be rude or judging; you’d have a leg to stand on. Blaire can make rather rough commentary on certain people’s appearances but usually focuses on their actions and social platforms to give an identity to the person and what she may find distasteful or poor behavior.

And here you are giving it to them. Bravo! Oh wait, did you also want attention? Well here I am, giving it to you! Bravo!

TRAs only hate her because they can’t debunk anything she says.

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We may need to create transgender characterS too or else we will get a protest.

Without the lgbt threads there would only be “WoW bad” “I quit” threads. I’d much rather talk about lgbt representation than see quitting threads. You’re also free to ignore these threads.

Pretty sure trans day is October 10th this year.

Why can’t this thread be flagged? How does one achieve flag immunity? Is it only given to threads promoting degeneracy?


Man that was a lovely conversation she had with Lauren southern wasn’t it?

Milo ain’t gay anymore he got the conversion therapy and how he is a straight man and his boyfriend isn’t his boyfriend anymore it’s just his room mate

Nope. Short of RL threats or spamming the N word repeatedly, nothing gets you banned on this forum. We have people who notably hate troll (trolling but with an agenda against a group which takes all the fun out of it) on a regular basis. I’m sure they’ve been silenced quite a few times because they’ll be gone for a few days but always come back.

When are they going to get a second bed?

Then go to a forum for LGBT, this is a forum about a video game.