Transgender day of visibility

Because the mods allow it and won’t put a stop to it nor will they move these spam topics to off-topic where they belong. It’s funny how game-topic threads like High Elf threads were deleted and merged together but these off-topic political agenda threads are allowed.


Many times people don’t want equality when they claim they do, they want special treatment.

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My brother got banned from forums for saying he got destroyed by a MM Hunter back in Cata, except he didn’t use the word “destroyed”

What’s the obsession with holidays of any sort anyway. You all know you can celebrate anything you want on any day. I find it so annoying I avoid it. My kids can wait a few days for a happy birthday from me. Or maybe I will do it early out of spite to forced days of celebration. Now we are doing entire months WT…

Mad hatter had the right idea.

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Thing is OP isn’t just making threads that have nothing to do with the game, but he is also name calling and basically calling people “phobs”

He’s doing what the Blizzard mods are allowing him to do though. I think it’s disgusting that they allow this.


What if OP is a mod ??

Makes a shocked Pikachu face


Did you actually quote AOC?

One second…

Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha

takes a long breath

Aaaaahhhh hahahahahahahahahahahaha


It’s because it would be a PR nightmare if they were seen “silencing” LGBT people’s opinions.

As a card-carrying member of the alphabet mafia myself, I’m sick of these threads and think they should be shunted to Off topic too. Anyone accuses people of being homophobic just because they don’t want pride stuff in the game. But Blizz doesn’t have holidays for Alzheimer’s awareness or Veterans rights, or Cancer Awareness, or Suicide Awareness or anything else. Why is LGBT different? No one is on here yelling to get NPCs in wheelchairs or representation of dementia or colon cancer survivors.

At least the mods are extending the thread cap, so these get to 600+ rather than maxing at 250 or whatever and resulting in new ones being made. We’re still getting too many, but we’d get three times as much if mods weren’t extending the cap on these.


Portage, if you are seeing this, your comment on that pride event post for the mod was quite savage before it got deleted by the mod :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I got the video too where she says it xD

Let’s be totally honest here. It’s not many times, it’s nearly all times. Everyone wants things to favor them, but never the things that don’t.

It’s why when you see people complaining about disparate gender representation in high paying jobs, they’re not talking about oil rig jobs, or underwater demolition work. They’re talking about a cushy middle management position in an air conditioned office. And God help you, if you suggest that everyone should be forced to sign up for selective service, that would be wrong think.


I see lot of conservative LGBT folks getting the hate because of their political beliefs and that’s what I find hypocrisy.

On one hand community wants tolerance but only when everyone agrees with them, even their own community members


Oh yeah. I am having more issues being trans now than I ever did before, and I am not going to lie, a big part of me blames this new generation of LGBT+ people who are making a mockery of the work we did to be accepted, and making us hated again.

I stood on the courthouse steps in my home town lobbying for equal rights to marry my GF and being terrified I’d get fired if my boss saw me. I don’t need a pride flag tabard in my fantasy game to make me feel good about myself. Instead I can go smooch my girl, or go renew our vows, or go to meeting with a client and have them say “Hello sir” that is all the affirmation of my life that I need.


It’s reprehensible, how they’ve treated the LG half of it, dehumanizing them, and trying to cancel them for their preferences. It’s vile that their idea of tolerance is trying to dictate who someone must be attracted to, and labeling them a bigot, if they dare follow their own attraction.


lol I was having a conversation about this the other day.

A big reason the larger name LGBTQI+ conservative figures (blaire white, milo) get flak is because they tend to reek of respectability politics. They overly gatekeep, criticise and demean other LGBTQI+ members because they want other big name conservatives to like them and they’re desperate to prove they’re not like the ‘other’ LGBTQI+ members.

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And that is all the affirmation anyone should need :slightly_smiling_face:

If a person needs affirmation in a video game then somewhere along the road they made a bad life choice .

(For clarity to those easily offended I don’t mean life choice in the way some people go you chose to be lgbt. I believe that is more on the lines of a person being A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. It’s just how you are wired and no one can choose that)


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Can you imagine the outrage if only women had to sign up for a list to make it easier for the government to round them up, and send them to die in some globalist war? If failing to sign up was a crime(albeit an unenforced crime), that cut you off from most entitlement programs?

The outrage would be deafening. But since it’s males, who cares.