Transgender day of visibility

Being factually wrong is ok, as long as you think you are morally right

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,



We use this game to get away from real-world issues and constant drama. Besides, just move to Moonguard if you really want it to be “represented”

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Reality is whatever suits the woke mob at a given moment. Today’s oppressed will be tomorrow’s bigots in need of canceling.

If a piece of scientific literature supports their agenda today, it will be “I love science!”, but if tomorrow, the agenda is undermined by that science, it will now be heresy.

I’m not religious by any means, but starting to think we are either literally in hell. Or maybe just some sadists simulation. I have a hard time explaining the hilarious world we live in otherwise.


That idiot getting elected, is all the proof I’ll ever need, that not everyone should be able to vote. That woman is dumber than a box of rocks, is objectively terrible for her district, in terms of performance, but keeps getting elected anyways.

Almost as ridiculous as Maxine Waters refusing to live in her own district, because she trashed the place, and instead lives in a mansion far from the consequences of her own actions. Still elected every two years.

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It is sad but I think a lot of these threads especially the spam ones made by the 2 characters with names starting with T will do more harm then could for the LGBT community in the game.

With that said I have reached a point of no longer caring because after all the spam threads and the 2 offending OPs false flagging people as making threats against their lives and those posts being restored . Then to have the threads not closed after that because the company would rather virtual signal for their SJW street cred then enforce their ToS for the forums then I say screw it and in the words of Natalie Merchant

" Hey Hey Give Em What They Want" Just don’t give it to the OPs how they want it but how the company thinks they should want it . Kind of like how they give most other things players ask for in the game if they give it.

There’s a term for it. Concern trolling.

Pretend to be a member of group A, and make increasingly outrageous demands for group A. Generally make everyone hate you, and as a result, that hate rubs off on group A. It usually doesn’t go on for as long as it has on these forums, because at some point, forum mods notice the pattern, and take action. Blizzard just errs on the side of “don’t make the woke mob angry”, and let’s these threads burn for weeks at a time.

Eventually only closing them, of they get “off topic”, at which point, the same handful of people make the same thread again.


Being trans is drama…?

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How about Strait day of visibility ? Oh right this kind of stuff has no place in the game. Lets just play the game and not try and push RL stuff into the game


I might of worded that wrong because I couldnt think of the word. But if you look into most social media, tiktok, etc. and the amount of videos put out or tweets sent from a transgender person about “IF you dont want to date me, you’re a homophobe” and stuff like that. Putting yet another day into WoW will just pull that attention into the game itself, hence the more drama comment.

Sad part is enforcing the rules for everyone shows equality and if these people are asking for equality then they should be willing to accept the same consequences as everyone else but they know they won’t because they know the company will continue to virtual signal.

You know, I really am starting to loath these Threads, not because of what they are made to achieve, but for the obnoxiously obvious Trolling that the OP does. To top it all off, the OP has several accounts that they use to remain combative in the thread, while giving the impression that there is multiple people with the same feelings as the OP.

It’s a shameful act, to take a generally great cause such as the acceptance, and encouragement for the LGBT+ Community, and use it, as your platform to actively Troll, Insult, Belittle, Combat and Flag-Spam people so they get suspensions/bans.

And the Mods/Blizzard ect. won’t do anything about it, because if they started closing these types of Troll-Threads they would be called, “Homophobic.” or some other slanderous words, so with their hands tied they have no choice but to keep allowing topics like this, to drive a wedge further between those for and those against.

I usually love coming to the Forums to read about how others are doing in-game, what ideas they have for balancing, or improving systems in game, ect.

But lately these threads, have just sapped the energy and fun I used to have and have put me into this, “Why bother.” sort of mentality.


100% this.

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Dude what are you talking about? Sorry but not everyone on the right is like that, stop making assumptions about a group of people.

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It depends on Mods own political and general beliefs. They act based on that


It’s funny how some on one side always stereotype people on the other side and want them to stop stereotyping them. Hypocrisy at its finest.

OP likes his post from his own alt. Check that comment :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s the sad part . The mods should be unbiased when enforcing the rules . They should show equality when a person that shares their views breaks the rules as they do those that don’t share their views.


Thing I don’t get with some of these threads is that I thought we were here to discuss game content, not real world issues.

Yes, the standard of behavior shouldn’t be lowered just because a person is from minority community or experienced bad things in life.

That’s the current problem I see in the west

People really, really, really haven’t caught on this, at all. A huge amount of crazy demands coming out now are actually just coming off the backs of trolls, and then it riles up a bunch of less-than-perceptive people to echo it and create even more division.