Transgender day of visibility

i mean before we go shoving things down throats we should at least buy each other drinks or have a talk over some coffee first

get to know each other


People on here complain about everything, that’s all the forums are. This is my first real discussion on here in forever that wasnt about how to fix my class or how to fix my playstyle.

You let some troll suck you in and now your firing shots off at everyone and they are doing the same back at you. There will always be hateful spiteful people in the world and you are playing their game. Those people that stir up :poop: are a small % in this place. But arguing about something when a super majority just dont care, just pisses them off.

Well played.

I think you are overestimating the percentage of people who are on the side of not caring. People who really don’t care don’t even open up the thread.

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if they’re that uncomfortable, they could just use something to change their voice.

i used to use the Cata headset, set it to “illidan”, and people i’d known for years had no idea who i was… it was pretty hard to not laugh.

i’m pretty sure nobody really cares… i get the feeling a lot of people are just making stuff up in order to play the victim here.

…but if the individual is paranoid, there are steps they can take to make themselves feel more secure when using chat.


A lot of people are just bored and watching a good show. Throw in people that are tired of seeing these threads every single day coming in here to vent, add a pinch of trolls and and the cycle wont stop. Blizzard just needs to start banning people with stupid topics that have nothing to do with the game itself.

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Why though?

I’ve got a bridge to sell you, if you think the whole cancel brigade has a net positive impact on what they’re trying to accomplish.

For every person that gets cancelled, you wind up with an ultra radicalized person who is enraged, and a non zero number of people who also hate you, but are afraid to speak up.

Confusing manufactured consent for plurality. The blind eye of the far left since forever.


Education and experience will help you more than being blind and ignorant to lgbt issues.

I think Woke culture is bad for LGBT folks too.


I feel like you might be a few years behind the times on the ol slippery slope. We are currently at “you’re a bigot, if you aren’t attracted to them”. Or did you miss where they’ve started canceling the L and G in LGBT, because they don’t want to date the T.


You dont vote for me, youre not trans


If you don’t like it don’t read it.

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It’s beyond me why you just don’t mute it if you’re so offended.
If it’s true that the mods are allowing these types of topics to be posted in the GD then maybe it’s time to realize they’re not ‘off topic’ as you think they are.

Also…‘cancel crowd’…what a laugh! :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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i like how this only applies in one direction


Some animals are more equal than others. Come on, get with the times.


I never really considered it a in actual six 24 hour days but more like in 6 stages. I think a lot of it has to do with the state of translation all those centuries ago . Add in the fact that some cultures have words that have multiple spellings of the same word but each has a different meaning . So my thought is each day wasn’t say a single 24 hour period but a evolutionary period in the earths development.

But not their supported reality .

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Mhh animal farm. Great book