Transgender day of visibility

Nice job. I accidentally posted on an alt I was reporting the mental illness comment on because I’m out of flags on this one.

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i’ve never ‘flipped out’ on anyone first i’m a straight cis guy that looks like the love child of Jonah Hill and Joe Pingue, traditionally i don’t have to worry about this stuff but knowing, befriending, and even having an LGTBQ+ relative i do try to support when and how i can without trying to be the “UM ACKSHUALLY” guy

the usual, unfortunate, case is someone speaking out about a slur (racist or homophobic or transphobic or whatever) and usually going “hey that’s not that great to toss around” which always results in either the other person doubling down or broadening their horizons out loud to demonstrate they’re THAT kind of person

you using ‘us’ a lot in this part is kind of telling - i mean you have been already but see aforementioned concept of doubling down

gonna go out on a limb here and say that someone discovering/exploring/living their identity and maybe not being entirely comfortable, confident with it themselves OR in more social situations isn’t exactly equivalent to “lol cat jumped on my keyboard”

you’re jumping some guns here because, again, i’m a straight cis dude

credit where credit’s due at least you didn’t post anything from Rocky V, the worst Rocky

i mean a lot of people with these ideas are older than me and aren’t going to be around as long as i am

or the people my age or younger are raised/taught to live with horse blinders on and that what’s passed onto them is infallibly correct

‘bozo’ is on par with like ‘doodoo head’ come on now

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That’s me engaging in discussion on a discussion forum.

People on these forums literally complain about people making our own spaces.

Watch out dude, I believe someone got mass flagged for saying they hope someone has a stiff neck from sleeping on the wrong side of the bed when they wake up tomorrow lol. People are ruthless and are fishing for bait to ban you.


wait until they hear when i get frustrated in Heroes of the Storm and i wish that Nova players that do nothing but camp my lane stub their toe on a daily basis

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I don’t care, you have confirmed that you yourself are not a nice person, therefore you can’t expect every single human being in the milky way to be nice to each other.

can’t believe cancel culture is coming after me for daring to use the word ‘bozo’ like i’m from some 40 year old sitcom


The monster of cancel culture is hungry…its feeding time :imp::smiling_imp:

That’s exactly what people think when they misgender someone and got backlash for it.

my dad works for Nintendo and he says that if someone’s being a racist, homophobe, or transphobe you’re allowed to call them a bozo

Except for most trans people are going to be really polite if they say anything at all about it due to fear of harassment (online) or violence (irl). There’s not going to be some backlash. That’s purely fabricated.

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Request him to ask Nintendo to officially release Switch in my country :sweat_smile:

i can’t i’m too busy trying to get him to pull strings so i can get Nintendo’s latest console, the Playstation 5

Nintendo sends you a cease and desist letter as they threaten a 16 billion dollar lawsuit for using the words Nintendo in your post

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People will be people, you can get called anything, even

and that’s fine. If you get harassed IRL, call the cops.

won’t somebody PLEASE think of the bozos?!?

so much for the tolerant left


jesus christ, you can’t do that to me man I thought I was on a different site for a second just from those 6 words.

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i’m a multidimensional, multiwebsite being

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It literally does happen, without being trolls. Human nature is to fight things.

You’re right, I do have child like tendencies. I am a human being and we have faults. I, myself, have many. I own it and don’t mind them, but I will not shove them down your throat unless you try to shove crap down mine, first, which is what this whole thing is doing.

Good assessment here, I did jump the gun on that, yeah.

The best speech from the history of rocky, imo. is from that movie.

Well yeah, if you didn’t notice, people complain about literally any and everything they can. This topic or the next, the one 50 topics from now. I’m sure you can even find a topic somewhere about someone complaining about a complaint about someone else, etc.


Aight, it’s like 5am at this point. Time to sleep so hf.

Isn’t bozo the name of a clown? :clown_face: