Transgender day of visibility

Ok and find another group to raid with, find another guild. No one is forcing you to raid with them, no one is forcing you to stay in a guild that you dont want to be in. Take some responsibility. It’s not any of the players or Blizzards job to form a guild/raid/group to how you want things. Make your own. No one is stopping you from that.


Cyndi i can get kicked for attending my cat mid raid, it doesn’t mean i have to create multiple thread or ask for Cat-during-raid-awareness micro holiday.

If i talk to 10 different guy and ask them to tell me that i’m pretty, some of them would say that im ugly, and that is fine.

Instead of begging people for their acceptance, why not just raise my self confidence?


“My point is, it happens. That is all. It could make some players uncomfortable.”

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The moment we make LGBTQ+ spaces these people screech about it.

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yeah these are totally the same issues you’re right

because of attitudes like what’s being displayed in the thread

some people legit have it easier than others and you could always go “lol get thicker skin” or whatever but why should that be the solution and not just… treating people like people?


Well, sorry to burst your bubble this is the only account I have and could careless how many likes or dislikes I get. I am not part of that generation that thinks the more likes they get, equals self worth.


“All I said is, it happens. People can be strange about stuff like that.”

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Well I hope that’s true, alt posting is pretty embarrassing, and finding alt posters is the most entertaining thing to do on these forums.

I dont understand how or why you think the world revolves around you. They scratch because your not going out and forming it yourself but demanding that Blizzard does it for you. Or that other players do it for you.

If you want a community then make it. There will always be outliers. But dont complain because people arent doing it for you.

i don’t know how they do it on Bronzebeard if this is where you’re pulling your conclusions from

like damn Wyrmrest has issues but i’m glad thoughtful, mindful spaces/groups/guilds/communities exist here

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Which is why i asked what’s the endgame here? there will always be people that disagree with you, there are people that hate kittens and there’s nothing we can do about it.

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treating other human beings like human beings lol it’s not some difficult problem on paper but in reality there’s a lot of bozos kicking around

bozos that should be quiet and go somewhere else like back under their rock


I said this where?

I haven’t demanded anything. I’m in one of the dozens of LGBT friendly guilds on my server. I’ve just observed on these forums that antis get mad at us for segregating ourselves into safe spaces where we don’t have to take their crap.

To add to this, anyone who says " -x- aggro" is usually heard and replied with “ok” or something of acknowledgement of something. It’s not just a cis thing or anything of the sort. Nobody freaks out over a dude saying “husband aggro” or a chick saying “wife aggro” or anything either. It is just like “ok” or something regardless of whatever is thrown out there. You got aggro of something and gotta go, sucks but cool, ok. cya

Like, yeah, just keep your nonsense out of my face and I’m good. This is trying to shove something in my face.

Yes if you don’t make a big deal out of it. When you do, then yeah you will invoke the troll inside because you’re making a big deal out of it.

During your experiences, did you flip out on them first? Because the 100 times I’ve seen this happen is when it’s like “yo dude, we doing -x- dungeon or what?” and then the person flips out on them first saying “DON’T CALL ME -Y- I’m -X-” and gets all offended when they were just speaking generally. Like, that’s been 100% of the cases I’ve seen. Maybe yours are different, maybe not, but it is a general and generic greeting to call someone dude , them being male or female or anything else, doesn’t matter. It’s like saying “sup person”

A lot of people are 12 year olds at heart. You tell us to not do something, often times we fight the urge to want to do it. Some of us just lose to this urge while others control it and win. A mature adult beats that urge, a child at heart does not. If you expect society to act like an adult over acting like a child, that’s your very first mistake.

I like this idea best.

It’s not about you making these spaces. It’s about you requiring other people to accept this and dote on this and like, literally shoving this crap in everyone’s face. Literally the entire argument is “we exist” – the entire counter argument is “ok” or “who cares” – that’s it. We know you exist, we don’t care that you do your own thing. Just stop shoving it in our faces and stop political nonsense. It’s not just you guys, though, it’s all political crap. It’s a videogame, not FB, tindr, -insert other FB/tindr related websites here-. Just do your thing and move on.

Yeah, they are. The issue is it’s stupid things that happen that people don’t like. Done.

Because people like you keep trying to beg for attention. Again, we know you exist, we don’t care. Stop shoving it in people’s faces.

Life doesn’t care, literally. Lemme see if I can pull a Rocky in this thread:


They are not going anywhere. They will be here and both you and them will have to co-exist with each other.

Calling someone bozo is not nice.

Are you attesting that never in the history of online gaming has anyone ever hassled an LGBTQ person for mentioning offhandedly that they’re LGBTQ? I’d like to know your source on this.

“usually heard and replied with” – usually, being a keyword in that very structure. Again, go look / listen to that rocky clip up there. Sums it all entirely.

No there is a word for these kinds of people. They’re not normal or well adjusted.

This literally doesn’t happen except for trolls.

Pretty much the entire thread…

Then explain how people are “screetching” about your guild? Because “i will take no one is for $500 Alex.”

But your not segregating yourself. If you were you would do it and move on. But no we have how many posts about it with how many threads under them? That’s you pushing it into everyone’s face.