Transgender day of visibility

Harassment of LGBTQ people happens in the game. Especially of trans people who are bullied into talking on voice chat.

Do you tell straight people no one cares about their gf/wife too? I bet you don’t.

And how would they know? Oh yeah because they told them… no one cares…

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I didn’t even notice.

Maybe they do, but again, why do random peoples opinions matter more than that person’s loved ones? It’s literally a game, played with millions of random people. You might see 100, if even that. Why do those 100 random people’s opinions matter more to you(Not exactly you unless this applies to you as well) than your loved ones? It literally shouldn’t.

Yeah, it’s the internet. Expect 90% of the people you meet to be in this category and be happy about the ones who don’t fall into it.

No, just like if you were to say the same thing about your lover, I wouldn’t tell you that, either. I just wouldn’t care, at all. If you got aggro, then you got aggro.

Exactly this. It only ever gets brought up on 2 occasions: 1) they say hey dude, and you correct them if they say something you don’t like, or 2) you just announce it willy nilly, as if to seek attention or some medal or something. Nobody cares. Stop shoving it in people’s faces, or we care at that point.

Actually, I dunno what kind of groups you are in, but even most raiding guilds won’t give a crap about your sexuality, unless they’re interested or just generally curious, which most won’t be. If you can do the job and be a good player, you’re good. They do get to know your name and such, but I’ve only ever seen sexuality/other deeper things like that brought up if they were actually interested in meeting up with you, like, sex or dating wise.


you sound like you need some perspective.

as someone who was born in the body of a female, i can assure you that this is just a thing people do.
they aren’t doing it to be offensive.
they aren’t doing it to victimize you.
they’re doing it because people call people “man” and “bro”… regardless of their gender.
it’s no different to nana calling people “sweetie” and “luv”.
those people aren’t all her sweeties and loves, it’s simply a term of endearment.

just like all those people aren’t really “men” and “brothers”.
it’s just a thing people say.
i can assure you, i’d prefer people to call me “man” or “brother”, over “maam” or “madam”.

you can choose to not be offended.


Because people force them to get on discord. And they talk. And their voice doesn’t pass. So they have to choose between being misgendered which could cause discomfort or speaking up and possibly being harassed.

What exactly is the endgame here? do you want people to get jailed for misgendering or what?


it’s almost 3 AM here and i’ve got crap all hours for work so i’m just staving off actually working on a personal project to funpost here because i saw it pop up elsewhere

not to mention the -

are you sure you don’t want to just go for the “attack helicopter” joke? you’re like halfway there anyways

i hope the irony of “listen to you whine” isn’t lost on you right now, but it’s a safe wager it is

protip: maybe it sucks to see certain opinions spouted online or specifically in your form of escapism (MMORPG in this case) from the day-in-day-out

gender identity =/= sexual orientation

How about a “Free of mental health problems day” something we could all take pride in. Once mental health problems are fixed.

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Yeah they send somone to the persons house and threaten to murder their family right? No one forces anyone to use voice chat.

And again how would they know unless the person brought it up?


Huh, either your alt account or someone’s alt account is like bombing you.

I’m leaning more on it’s just your alt account because it’d be weird for some random blank slate account with 0 pets and only five mounts to randomly like bomb you, but ya never know.

I’m just talking about transgender people existing in the game. The end game is to explain to people that trans folks’ existence is not political or being shoved down anyone’s throats when they correct someone about their pronouns in voice chat than the cishet guy talking about wife aggro is shoving his sexuality down anyone’s throat.

“I have been kicked out of a raid, because I didn’t want to voice chat. It DOES happen.”

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Fair, point still stands though which is; nobody cares unless you let them know it bothers you and you make a big deal out of it, then they will do it to aggravate you more because you just said something about it or told them to knock it off.

protip: normal people do the opposite of what you tell/command/order them to do in most cases. If you tell someone “stop calling me x” that just makes them want to call you x even more. If you don’t iet it bother you, it tends to go away since there’s no escalated effect.

Same for this topic could be said.

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You can live your fantasy…but dont expect me or anyone else to live your fantasy for you or support you in living that fantasy.


Actually. Normal well adjusted people who misgender someone, when corrected, will say “oh sorry” and make an attempt to not repeat the mistake.

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Why are you posting that towards me when it’s not me, nor is it even related to the account that is being used?

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my experiences are not universal but the few times i’ve seen/had it happen around me, it’s the opposite and never treated as that much of a big deal besides the “hey please don’t make comments/jokes/references like that”

and then the people that made said comments/jokes/references flip out because how DARE you tell me i’m being harmful or rude

protip: this is distilled cringe advice

“just ignore it” is weak and it’s more important to set an example for the people around you whether they’re victims or being picked on or just other people that may not know better but hey if you set a good example then they will

it’s $15 a month to live in the shoes of a dwarf paladin named Macflynn but treating other human beings with a sense of decency and kindness is absolutely free baby!!


My thoughts and cares about this thread. The guy who made it is a known troll in regard to these topics and just causes as many problems as possible in the forums. Look at his topic history.


Probably because I personally think it’s your account because there is legitimately no reason for anyone else to like bomb you and considering it started moments after you joined, mainly focused on you only leads to yet more suspicion. It’s an obvious throwaway account, with there being legitimately not even a single pet in it’s collection.

Shhh. No one tell him intersex people exist it would break his mind.