Transgender day of visibility

real people play these games


Trans people play the game too.


Nobody is saying they donā€™t, myself in particular. Iā€™m saying keep politics out. Thatā€™s literally it.

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nothing political about a human beingā€™s identity


Trans people arenā€™t political. Theyā€™re people.

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It is political.

I dunno whether youā€™re trying to be a smart allec or whether youā€™re actually serious with that statement. If itā€™s area 1, you got me good there.

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if other peopleā€™s personal details, identities, and lives bother you so much go play a singleplayer game like Pac-Man or Xenogears or something, my friend

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Imagine a trans person talks in a voice chat call and gets misgendered.

The trans person gently corrects the misgendering.

Half the forums: Reeeeeeeeeee stop bringing politics into the game reeeeeeeeee!!!

when i get home and i want to escape from the real world, i like to sit down in a social video game like an MMORPG, one of the biggest ones around, and interact with other human beings that have their own lives going on and are also playing this potentially incredibly social game

just donā€™t tell me anything about you though whether you had a hard day at work or you tripped while walking your dog

wouldnā€™t want to get too political

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They donā€™t bother me. Is there a male day of visibility? Is there a female day of visibility in this game? How about the rest of the LGB somethingsomethingsomethingā€™s at this point. I canā€™t keep up with the acronyms as itā€™s too many, but, main point is; no and not to mention, again, itā€™s a videogame. Stop trying to bring politics that arenā€™t already there into it.

Cool, you corrected them. Problem fixed and solved. Just the same if someone didnā€™t say your name correctly. Itā€™s just one and done.

No, this exact topic is political nonsense. What does it matter what you are? You are you, and youā€™re good the way you are. Donā€™t need a trophy for it or a spotlight.


Iā€™m a cis lesbian thanks.

International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society.

Bringing your sexual identity up in a mmo is stupidā€¦ no one cares. Demanding Blizzard make a community and do special things for you is just plain ridiculous and attention seeking.

I have never seen a guild/raid/M+ in lfg with ā€œ+12, dont join if your trans.ā€ If your telling people you dont know online on a game that has zero to do with an person being gay or trans then you are 100% seeking positive/negative attention. No one cares if your a Tank/DPS/Healer who is transā€¦ only that your doing your job.



Everyone already knows that they exist. Why does it need to be a parade? I donā€™t see any lesbian parades. I donā€™t see any cis parades. I donā€™t see any pan/bi/ X parades. Again, itā€™s political nonsense that is brought up because people feel left out. Youā€™re not left out, everyone is left out, because we are people. You are you, donā€™t need to be raising awareness because the ones whose opinions matter most already know you. Why is that never enough for people?

Exactly! Itā€™s a game, not a sex dating app or anything else. Just stop bringing nonsense in.


november 19th

march 8th

no but it wouldnā€™t hurt to be considerate and respectful of other players

june in honour of the Stonewall riots, IIRC? thereā€™s also a coming out day in october 11th and obviously march 31st is transgender day of visibility

LGBTQ+ there, boss - you can write out all your frustrations on the forums but canā€™t stretch your fingers out for like 3 more keys?

thereā€™s always been mild (albeit terribly shallow and not quite enough representation) hinting at some same sex couples and then thereā€™s Mathias/Shaw now and a transgender character in Hearthstone and iā€™m pretty sure some of the Kyrians are trans

were you also upset at humans getting more diverse facial features, hair textures, and skin colours? elves?

bigots do, lol

some people get nasty on the internet behind a keyboard


So do you tell every straight guy who talks about his girlfriend or wife agroing on him to shut up about his ā€œsexual identityā€?

Did you protest Thrall getting married for promotion of the het ā€œsexual identityā€ politics?


Transgender has nothing to do with who you have sex with.

And how would they know? Oh yeah because you join a random group and say ā€œHey, I am trans and you will refer to me as they and if you dont I will go post about how mean you were on the forums!ā€

Again, no one asks because no one cares.


ah yes, raiding groups and guilds and communities donā€™t exist where people donā€™t learn about each other on a personal level itā€™s all business all the time did yā€™all remember to bring your flasks


Where did all these based human male paladins come from all the sudden o.o.

I have a guildmate who is nonbinary. They have to correct people from time to time.

We donā€™t have any problems because we kick people who are not LGBTQ+ supportive. But people come from other servers to ours to escape bigotry and harassment for being LGBTQ+.

I cant say this enoughā€¦ NO ONE CARES. People donā€™t play WoW to hear about who some random person sleeps with, they dont play WoW to hear about what you want to call yourself, they donā€™t play wow to hear you complain about how you told everyone you think your a unicorn and they laughed you. Keep it to yourself. People play WoW for many reasons none of them is so you can have a pedastal so they listen to you whine.