Transgender day of visibility

that’s the weird part.

the person has problems in life and thinks there is a war - “hey my father told me some things because I decided to tell the truth so there is a war in the world

like, what is the logic of this?

Then, on a Monday, the person decides to go to a forum and go out pointing the finger saying that there is a war and sticking opinions everywhere.

What intrigues me, is that the person does not stop to think that others are simply living their lives, without even thinking about a specific group of people, or the problem of others, because everyone lives their own problems. …and the most incredible part is:

if Blizzard puts something in the game for transgender people … that person’s father will not even know about it and the situation will not change in this person’s life.

But it is something for the future” - I will talk about the future : Every couple (man and woman) when they have a son or daughter, expect grandchildren, expect the family to continue the legacy. If something goes out of the expected normal, it is obvious that there will be problems. Of course, there will be disagreement, because it is something out of the line.

And an online game trying to do something is not going to improve anyone’s life - in fact it is the opposite - it will only make other players angry or upset, pissing players off does not help anyone’s life.

in the future, there are only two realities - Humans will make children artificially - or there will still be couples who will have children and expect grandchildren - and if that doesn’t work there will be fights.

“but trans are women” - but they cannot naturally have children. Not today. And if one day they can, it is done artificially, which does not change the fact that they are not women.

“but I feel like a woman” - and this is the part where the vast majority (myself included) agree that it is your right to feel the way you want - and that proves THAT THERE IS NO WAR.

The final problem is that there are people in the lgbt group ruining the name “lgbt”, telling wrong facts in the discussions, ignoring science, pissing off other people who have nothing to do with their personal problems and demanding things that will not help their lives …


“I don’t trust any of them, any farther than I can throw them, and I ain’t very strong.”

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once you take the red pill, there’s no going back. i know the feel.


Am I reading this correctly that you’re implying bodily harm (the implication being a snapped neck at worst) to those you are in disagreement with? Because… wow.


Wear a mask.
Get your covid vaccine.
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
Cis men have no place telling women who belongs or doesn’t belong in our spaces.


Incorrect! A stiff neck! Like…when you kinda can’t turn it one way for a day?
Like it’s just sore in that one spot?

like I’m not wishing you serious bodily harm. Just mild inconvenience.
Like you can’t sharpen your pencils right that day.


You definitely need to be made of sterner stuff to face demons, personal, societal, global, etc. Not everyone can do it.

I see this woke stuff as a new religion of sorts, complete with its own myths, fables, falsehoods, customs, and blasphemies. It brings comfort in the void that resulted from the collapse of traditional religion.


I misunderstood you. Still, that’s rather uncool to say.

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I hate this woke culture, its pure madness


It’s a race to the bottom my man


The feeling is mutual.

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Yes. Uncool. The best kind of punk.
May your eggs be slightly undercooked so that they’re still safe to eat but texturally gross, and may you wake up with sweaty bedsheets!

Tah tah!


You can be funny so that’s redeeming about you :slight_smile:

At the end of the day, we’re doing better as a society now vs what we are in the 90’s.


Like stepping on legos while barefoot?

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really ?

like…REALLY ?

covid, death challenge in tiktok leading some people to death, north korea, threats, teenagers having children as if it were nothing, number of abortions increasing, suicides increasing, pandemic, fake news everywhere, flat arth, denial of basic science…

the only thing that has improved is that the sexism against women of the 40s ~ 60s has decreased and nowadays women are more free - but that has made some women go to the other extreme and feminism is there with crazy ideas today.



Zan walks into the thread.

Zan backs out of the thread.


It’s a game. People really need to leave out their political/social/identity and other non game related bs out of my games. D: I don’t hate people that are like this, but I do hate when things like this get dragged into my games. It’s a videogame, not politics.

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yeah dude like video games have never had social, political, or other realistic and discussed themes before lol


Not saying they haven’t, saying I don’t like people bringing in things like this into a videogame. It is not politics 101 or anything of the sort. It’s a videogame.