Transgender day of visibility

you okay?
You feelin well?


I never made medical claims?

None of this has anything to do with anything.

You asserted that “the science!”, “the biology!” validates your perspective on the transgender issue due to the existence of intersex people
 Do you have amnesia LOL?

There are cases of xy women having kids and I’m pretty sure there are cases of xx men, and other variations where people wind up being xxy or other such combinations.
It’s not as simple as they taught you in third grade.

I am afraid that, so far, it is as it was in 3rd grade. The burden of proof is upon you to present otherwise. :slight_smile:


They all document the cases of children who were transitioned, and the harm it has done to not only them, but all the people in their lives.

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this was oddly already discussed here

That’s the weird part!!

Am i the only one who is sane here or something?!?!

have you read my other posts?
This is literally just how I am 100% of the time.
Listen bud you’re either gonna get a well thought out, maybe balanced essay trying to understand both sides,
A really dreamy and rather cloud-headed lore lozenge,
Or this.
Which is me spitballing my bloody brains out and just going off WITHOUT A FILTER!! Because gods does this thing tire me out. Actually just arguing with transphobes tires me out in general. They all come around saying they’re here to debate and listen when at BEST you’ll get some thinly vieled sexism and a pity statement that could be shortened to: " I think you’re sick and should get your brain fixed" despite
oh gods what’s the book - oh right sorry, it’s not a book, the world health organization is working to declassify it as any sort of mental disorder.

Forgive me for my tired rambling when we’re dealing with people who won’t accept fact. :roll_eyes:


Sounds like fake news to me. Got any peer reviewed studies to back up your alphabet soup of names?

I came into the thread late; was it mentioned waaay earlier? Or is Truthspeaker trotting out the same tired lies as arguments to gaslight people to agree with their point of view?

Here is a reputable article about an xy woman who has reproduced. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt that more than xx women and xy men exist.

why? I’m kinda exhausted. I mean I don’t wanna leave people alone to deal without this without a sense of levity, but also like,
I am about to collapse onto my site plans.


David Reimar’s case is quite well-known, from the 70s. The perpetrator was Doctor John Money. Ray Blanchard is known as the “father of transgenderism” for his pioneering research into the field. Kiera Bell and Tavastock are both news items in British news right now.

You know I am not contesting this right? I physically linked you to the Intersex Society of North America and have repeatedly spoken about Klinefelter’s in this very thread.

I don’t care about urban myths. Give me peer reviewed studies from reputable sources.

different person, but was said yes.

well i am just making sure, because i usually see you actin different >->
also make sure to take op’s words with a grain of salt, hes a troll for a reason

keep the fight going, someone must. but if you have to leave, go to sleep!

Peer reviewed studies of what exactly?

I am giving you very real, prominent cases that you can look up right now. No need to pay for JSTOR or go into arcane repositories for info.

This is like saying to the claims of a bear killing a man that you want to see peer reviewed studies of bears being harmful to people.

You’re listing random names. They mean nothing to me.

i will point out, that this is all for a micro holiday that most likely won’t happen in wow due what’s on blizzards plate.

so just have a nice day and love yer fellow man/woman

I mean, they’re not random names but I suppose they’d seem that way to the uninformed, or disingenuous.