Transgender day of visibility

It’s a classic - and it’s overused. I think I’ve gotten that three or four times from this guy tonight?
Even tossed me a little pity bone. “I’m so sorry you’re getting worn out, I really do respect everyone’s beliefs, you’re just wrong is all.”
It’s just textbook misogyny. :frowning: Wish I had more flags.


he …who ?

if the guy is called Professor Xavier, I would even believe that he would be able to force a huge number of people to do what he wants.

Now, if he has no psychic powers to do such a thing, you are giving importance to nonsense things - and still throwing it on the account of ALL “cis” men, when in fact you are just upset with one random person on the internet in a GAME forum.


This post aside, here are some of your other responses. To me, your tone is coming across as irrationally heated, aggressive, and hysterical:

Where did you get your medical degree?

Why should anyone believe you?

You must have skipped critical thinking class in college where they teach you about the importance of sources and vetting them.

They don’t even understand why someone would trust the endocrine society and the FDA over someone posting in their Facebook echo chamber.

So how do your guilds feel about your anti-trans stances?

> Guy talks about biology.
> Me: Points out that more than xx and xy exist.
> Pyrano: iNtElLeCtUaL dIsHoNeStY

This has nothing to do with anything I said or my point.
You bringing this up is iNtElLeCtUaL dIsHoNeStY.


You are just bickering now, badgering to the point of harrassment.


Way to go with that gaslighting champ - if you fill in a couple more, you might win a game of sexist bingo!


there is no game besides WoW.

another crazy logic from you.

the thing is : you have problems in your life and you want everyone around you to be concerned and accept things that people don’t think about or agree with.




Personal responsibility doesn’t exist in such peoples lives.


Posts are automatically flagged if enough people report. It doesn’t matter if you’ve actually done anything wrong. If enough haters report a post it’s flagged even if they didn’t break any rules.

None of these are heated at all. You’re just perceiving me as such because you have issues.

No, it is definitely reading as combative, especially in light of the fact that I have repeatedly requested you to engage my actual points. If you would like to concede that you dont wish to address my arguments, that is one matter. But you havent accepted that you cannot refute my claims. You have just made passive-aggressive posts repeatedly.

WOO and MINIMIZING MAKES FOUR SPOTS! What’s next? Are these two titans of knowledge going to outpace each other in their ill-fated and barely disguised skullduggery? Is Pyrano going to tell Truthspeaker that she can’t, in fact, read? And that he’s humoring her? Or is Aalmatath going to tell her to get back in the kitchen? Or are they both going to turn out the losers in a game they barely know they’re playing, and turn out to be even GREATER BUTTHEADS THAN THEY STARTED OUT BEING TONIGHT!
Tune in in the next two minutes to find out!

Are you seriously okay?

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think willow is just being mislead tbh =/

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You have never engaged mine. All you’ve tried to do is straw man and red herring.

So where did you get your medical degree again?

Too many bigots in here :frowning:

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Trans women are women.

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I already posted a link from the Intersex Society of North America that states that there is no equivalence between GID sufferers and intersex people, that is, women with Klinefelter’s who have children, people born with intersex reproductive organs, people with sex disorders, etc.

Your whole position has been rendered invalid.

So where did you get your medical degree again?

I don’t need one?

One does not need to be an astrophysicist to ascertain the sky looks blue. Would you ask for scientific credentials when asking someone to point at the sun?


If you don’t have a doctorate then you aren’t qualified to say that tHe ChIlDrEn ArE bEiNg HaRmEd.

And your link doesn’t matter because it was never part of my discussion.

Don’t leave me please


There is no burn…you both are making yourself look like clowns


Just curious, do you have one?


Kiera Bell’s case, Haasci Horvath’s case, Abigail Shrier’s research and book, David Reimar’s case, Dr. Ray Blanchard’s body of work, Tavastock’s recent scandal all prove otherwise.