Transgender day of visibility

What would you like to see?

Every piece of information I have provided is in the scope of general knowledge, accepted principles of material reality, and current affairs.

False equivalence.

Cis men have no place trying to control women or our spaces. This is a case of a cis man trying to control women.

Lol …all you are doing is indulging in BS rhetoric and when you can’t counter…you bring up the gender to silence others



Now let me tell you about my day.

I’m living with my mom - I used to split time with my dad.
Before he kicked me out.
Because I came out.
And now he watches my bank account daily to make sure of something or another - I had to set up an entirely new one last week because he kept talking me through it.
His words, his actions, his bloody months of “don’t corrupt your brothers” and “you’re not a woman - you don’t even like men” and so on and so forth - that echoes in my head every time I see them off.

I went to work - retail. I’m trying to get out of college debt free - or with less, at least. The older guys at work insist on calling me things like “brother,” “man” and etc when it’s not a problem for people my age. They slipped into it without an issue. I get looks for wearing makeup, I get crap, bud.

You’re bloody lucky. Straight, cis, privileged? Not a care in the bloody world mate.
Good. For. You.

Now get your uncaring butt back to dota and stop acting like you know a damn thing.


He keeps talking about women’s spaces and women’s issues while being a cis man and trying to silence an actual cis woman standing up to him.

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It might be just me but seeing Night Elf with that blue hairstyle always scares me.

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I’m just trying to listen to some beats while I browse the wow forums for fun and instead I get a 400 post thread riddled with all kinds of garbage takes.

nobody wants to control anything. You are another crazy person who thinks that there are men of some ethnicity or sexual orientation trying to control something.

I’ll tell you: I would love to have more women in the software development area.

but I don’t control it because … do you know why? because I don’t control anyone … you nut.


Ooga booga. :slight_smile:

HotPokket… monkaW

The only claim I made that requires proof is this one. The claim that topples your (possibly intellectually disingenuous) position that somehow intersex people and those with sex disorders (such as Kleinfelders) are somehow medical proof of the trans narrative being the same as that:

In spite of these similarities, these two groups should not be and cannot be thought of as one.

He is not silencing you at all…you are just not willing to address his counter arguments. He asked your inputs repeatedly, not once he asked you to stay quiet


:rabbit: :dog: :police_car: :rainbow_flag:

(Sorry I’m really hooked on Sam & Max rn)

No one has tried to silence anyone though?

You are the only one getting heated, passive aggressive, insulting, and bickering with everyone in a childish way now.

You’d see that if you just relaxed. Calm down.


That’s nice.

He, as a cis man, wants to force all cis women to exclude trans women from our spaces. It’s not his place to dictate what we do in our spaces or who we let in. It’s ours.

Trans Rights are human rights :smiley:


thats the thing : NO…ONE…CARES !

everyone is living their lives, without even thinking that there are other groups out there.

who gets out of bed in the morning and thinks about WAR?


this is where your madness comes in, you think that you are in a war because of your life while everyone around you is living other realities and that it doesn’t even cross their minds that there is a fight, war or anything like groups out there .


And here we have cisman maneuver #8675309—tell the woman she’s overreacting, needs to calm down, that she is hysterical.



Please point to where I said this.

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Overreacting is a thing many people do. I’m prone to overreacting too. :roll_eyes:

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