Transgender day of visibility

Post-modernists and cultural marxists don’t care for material reality so they won’t care what you have to say. But that’s okay. I don’t argue with people who believe that the earth was made in 6 days for example. People can have their faiths and their beliefs.

There are cases of xy women having kids and I’m pretty sure there are cases of xx men, and other variations where people wind up being xxy or other such combinations.

It’s not as simple as they taught you in third grade.

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Then why use the word Trans ?? Why not call them only men and woman

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These people do not identify as trans, trans adjacent, non-binary or genderqueer. So your point is moot.

The Intersex Society of America actually has on their official webpage a section in how they are not trans.

Please stop intellectual dishonesty.


lot of big words and idk what any of that means :cowboy_hat_face: but u kno what partner people can do whatever they wanna do :woman_shrugging:

:nerd_face: but if i could get a free pet or something on transgender day that’d be great

Of course. But when it begins encroaching on the safety of women, eroding their spaces, erasing homosexuals, harming kids, and violating truth, I have a responsibility to speak up against it. Which I do :slight_smile:


> Guy talks about biology.
> Me: Points out that more than xx and xy exist.
> Pyrano: iNtElLeCtUaL dIsHoNeStY

but, look, nobody cares.

are you aware of that?

I’ll tell you my day (and my past days were similar) - I woke up, showered, ate a piece of Easter egg, watched some episodes of a series that I follow, logged into the discord, talked to a friend about games, we played some dota 2, talking about series and anime, then I had lunch, slept a little, played dragon age 3, then played wow, went to watch tv with family and now I’m here.

do you know how many times i thought about lgbt or trans people?

not once.

And I believe that the huge great majority here has gone through something similar, given the scenario of the pandemic.

do you know who knows this war?


do you know who fights this war?

only you, the crazy ones, who think that in fact there is some fight to be won.


You’re not even a woman. You’re arguing with a cis woman about our issues.

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Your arguments literally dont make sense. Did you even read what I wrote?

These people do not identify as trans, trans adjacent, non-binary or genderqueer. So your point is moot.

You’re trying to establish some sort of equivalence as a smokescreen. But you haven’t and I have refuted your claim.




if you think you’re a bird it doesn’t make you a bird, you just assume that identity.

It’s like batman, you know …

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Why do our identities matter here; the argument is presented. Care to address it on its merits? I have asked you time and time again now.

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This has nothing to do with anything I said or my point.

You bringing this up is iNtElLeCtUaL dIsHoNeStY.

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Well it is intellectually dishonest to knowingly establish a false equivalence to try and prove your point and.or discredit your opponent’s stance.

I suppose I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are misinformed.

Because I don’t think cis men have a place shouting over the voices of actual women on women’s issues.

Who is shouting over who? I missed this.

What does it have to do with the facts presented?

What does it have to do with the erasure of women, eroding of womens’ spaces, harming of children and threats to speech?


Yet you have established several times false equivalence in your posts. Like your pointing out something that has nothing to do with my point. Repeatedly.

I dont know what you’re referring to. Let me give you a tip; put forth the case you want me to address. At this point, your posts are just a jumble of nonsense.

What facts have you presented? I’ve seen no peer reviewed studies. I’ve seen no links to credible articles.

I just see a self-proclaimed gay cis man butting in to our issues.

so according to this, no one should talk about the problems of slavery in africa or the middle east that still exist, or the assaults that occur with others, deaths, hunger, etc … if it is of the opposite sex?