Transgender day of visibility

Hey op can u give me some gold?

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Wonder that everytime I see you on here… Do you NEED to post on one topic and one topic only.
I mean. I am lgbt. I don’t want companies to cater to me. I just want to game.
I would never thank that wingnut for anything. He’s a hateful human being. HISTORY has shown this.


yeah we know why you’re doing this. Anyway… 2024 won’t happen.

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Let me guess… You’re a creationist.

No thanks. They aren’t invisible.

No - I am a realist. I hate companies that pander to me… its like
“LOOK SEE! we are virtue signaling… ARENT WE SPECIAL… give us money!”
See! its Obnoxious…


Very disingenuous of you to imply that those two concepts are mutually exclusive when they aren’t what so ever.

Well not obnoxious to you. You want the world to tell you its okay to be who you are, and you want pandering. most of the pride-folks have very fragile egos, they need strangers to give them support.
Instead of family, loved ones, those in their personal lives.
It’s a different time, everyone wants cuddled.


What do you mean no thanks? I’m not asking you anything and you aren’t involved in this one baby boy.

You’ll get representation, but don’t expect real-world Pride events to be mirrored in WoW. If they did that, they’d have to put in the REASONS for it, and I don’t want systemic, socio-normative bigotry to become WoW canon.

There’s no hate against LGBTQ in WoW because there are so many different races and magical abilities that caring about how someone else lives their life would be beyond bizarre and pointless. Also, none of their religions have puritanical values to begin with, so there was no reason for society to adopt any discriminatory underpinnings like ours.

“Hey mon, me neighbour be sacrificing his brodda in a forbidden blood magic ritual!”
“Ya mon, well MY neighbour be married to anodda MALE!”
“… :face_with_monocle:”

Who you love is never going to be an issue in this kind of society, when there are actual primal forces of evil that you’re fighting against.


It doesn’t make sense tho because you saying that implies you’re an authority here or something when you’re not - I’m not asking for your permission lmfao




Do you design and implement content for the game? No?

Well then it looks like you aren’t able to offer any input here, so I reject your ‘no thanks’

Sorry not sorry :nail_care:

That’s :billed_cap:


I dunno what you mean or care to know. Stay out of the way of LGBT+ representation.

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you make me miss ralph


Its already there though.


This is a pretty tyrannical, aggressive and inappropriate to say in an online gaming forum.


What happened to him?


I asked him in game and he said he was having too much fun to post on forums

Take that if you will

The other theories are that he got banned forever which is fairly likely

Or his twitter got leaked and he’s left due to shame which is also likely

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