Transgender day of visibility

It was Obvious Bait but go off lol

Lol, your definition of a homophobe is anyone who disagrees with you. Nice hypocrisy, though. People are allowed to disagree with your ideas, and still not hate all gay people. You are a troll. You are a pathetic person doing your part to cause hatred between LGBT, and straight people, but you’re way too unintelligent to be clever enough to convince anyone.

Maybe we all just stop praising one groups, or celebrating others, and just be human beings. I’m done caring about any person or group that wants to be identified as anything but earthling. :earth_africa::earth_americas::earth_asia:


I’m happy they’re getting a day and all… but can we agree that the name is terrible?

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:musical_note: help me understaaaaand :musical_note:

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I had a feeling someone would make this thread. Not surprised it was this troll that did it

Yes we are :smiley:

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The only reason this thread is still around is because people complaining about it keep bumping it.



Is it just me or is the title “Transgender Day of Visibility” just… rife for Beavis and Butthead reactions?

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So, this got flagged huh? Good luck getting it removed.


In a game where you can switch genders at the click of a button at any barber shop…

What more do you want exactly?

(I recognise this is low quality bait but c’mon man… knock off the malarkey jack!)


no idea if its true but if it is, its kinda weird to have that day right before april’s fools :wink:

that day followed up with april fool’s day, followed up with what today is

it all fits

Ha!! Restored. Take that you itchy thumbed flaggers you!



Honestly I’ve just given up on these threads . Just give them what they want but in the name of equality give it to them in name only and Blizz can implement it how they do everything else . How they think players should want things.

THey keep these threads up after restoring falsely flagged posts that were marked as actual threats, they let certain people keep on making spam threads that would get other people forum vacations and I will probably get one for this because they are more concerned about virtual signaling for their SJW street cred then actually doing something about certain individuals violating the forum ToS .

So if they don’t care then why should I.


More, obviously!

Why would there be such a thing when there are other demographics that are way greater in population?

Why divert resources to something so fringe and niche? Anyone care to walk me through the logical reasons, if there are any?

I am a gay man but I seriously don’t understand the weird dogmatic bent to these demands.


Is someone forcing you to post inappropriate messages in the forums?

Get a grip.