Transgender day of visibility

you both know that op made this thread to bait people into this kind of stuff right…?
hes kinda a known troll


IDC if OP made this post to troll i already made a fourm post discussing this to Stop and for people to put more energy into fixing the current issues with the game.


That’s fair.

You know that one vegan person who will remind everyone they know and heck, the whole world, about the fact that they’re vegan because they got nothing going with their personality other than being vegan?

Yeah, that’s the kind of vibes I get…


I’m thinking maybe Blizz should put all the things the OP asks for in . You know what ever we ask for has to pass the Crooked Monkey Paw inspector any ways.

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Man couldn’t have been any more right… worst part is I think most ppl start post like this across all platforms mainly to troll. It’s the 21 st century no one cares what your preferences are.

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No seriously if He truly wants equality then he should be willing to get what he asks for in the way Blizz believes he should want it and not in the way he actually wants it.

Like they say be careful what you wish for.

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Yea man no kidding. And middle eastern oppressed societies. Now that’s brutal.

Meme popular among use by alt right hate groups. Used by one of the stalker homophobes?
No… really?
I’m shocked! /s


Welp, it’s official.

This one is from twitter…


probably just loves to toss labels around and hopes he can ban someone.

But than again, im just a clown right :smiley: and everybody loves a good joke. :clown_face:


It was yesterday, saw it on Twitter.

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No midare is from Area-52

Hey vicktoria, thx for lettin us know, lovely they got a day to celebrate huh?

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Ah, Twitter. When you absolutely need to find all the Tumblr rejects together in one place.


Don’t hurt your arm with your reaches boy and try to develop an actual personality.

(Says this while having a aussie-japanese weeb trying out a certain type of toys on another tab…)

I’m willing to bet he’s got the pronouns on the bio too.


That’s messed up for it to be on April Fool’s eve.

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A poor deflection and I can safely assume you’re an alt righter.

While you watch those videos on YouTube, what I talk about and advocate is literally taught at the highest levels of academia through colleges and universities through the developed world.

Uh-huh, whatever you want to tell yourself to give yourself a boogieman to struggle with as you probably have nothing actually important to worry about.


It’s all good, because the number of people that think like you gets smaller each month.