Transgender day of visibility

There is nothing wrong with pronouns in the bio.


People like me huh?



It’s true, we have all of academia, from kindergarten to college.

What you believe in (anti LGBT+ rhetoric) is restricted to obscure YouTube channels.

It’s simple mathematics bud.

You can’t compare vegan to pronoun, pronoun is very important to some people.
Here watch this video


I’ve seen this video before and honestly it’s super educational. The person you linked it to won’t watch a second however due to closed mindedness

Absolutely , there was a very touching tribute to one of their leaders on Twitter.
Marsha P Johnson

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Oh man, I hate people based on labels now? I’m so angry with myself that I didn’t even know this!

Yeah, to people in first world countries who have nothing actually important to worry about.

But, as I not one of those, I’ll take my leave to go reheat my 2 usd meal from yesterday and stop feeding you two the attention you so clearly crave.


no thanks I think blizzard is good

This video should be required to view before you join these forums. It’s very educational and many people on this forum need to get educated on this topic.

have a good one midare!


You look like a high elf

I think you missed it being a joke and just like April fools being a day where nothing can be taken at face value if he made the 1st a Trans holiday thats really on the nose of him basically labeling them as a joke. Happy April 1st :0)

You would probably learn more if colleges and universities taught you more about how to be a productive member of society instead of being a sjw.


How about we keep real life issues out of our fantasy video game? Keep pushing this stuff and lots of subscribers will leave because of it.


A Talonel thread is always entertaining.

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Either that or it is the car Burt Reynolds drove in Smokey and the Bandit

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Male. Female. Pick one. Everything else is more of a fantasy than WoW.


No, it doesn’t work that way.

Thanks for proving my point. :poodle: :smirk:


Whatever you say :foot: