Transformation on Demon Hunter are still bugging animations with Blade Dance

We’re about to enter 2023, and Blizzard has just added back 2 old dungeons to the pool in which we get forced transformations that bug the heck out of demon hunter when using blade dance. I remember Azure Vaults having polymorphs causing the same issue but I haven’t played this in M+ yet so idk if these are present there, problematic that this is added nevertheless.

Bug explained for those who don’t know it; when you’re transformed into a character with a non Blood Elf or Night Elf skeleton (assuming this is the criteria), and you use Blade Dance, your animations break, locking you in a single pose and you start sliding over the floor and your character isn’t changing direction anymore for several seconds after using it.

While I can understand that old content isn’t going to be updated to include fixes, this issue is obnoxiously present in current content:

  • Azure Vaults polymorphs
  • Halls of Valor during the Odyn Fight
  • Court of Stars during the party event and last boss fight
  • Any timewalking dungeon that transforms you, like the culling of stratholme, opening of the dark portal etc.
  • Quests where you transform into something else. Sometimes it works, often doesn’t

I’ve personally reported this bug constantly during time walking events since BfA, and during Court of Stars M+ TW in SL, and it’s quite frustrating with how little such an issue gets treated. This season we’re kinda forced to play with Fel Rush and Vengeful retreat and I can’t even see the direction my character is facing during these transformations…

Here’s a recording of the issue


Happens in Azure Vaults as well. Odd that something this bugged makes it through internal testing AND beta testing without getting fixed.