Transfers for Era realms

Not really sure why these ever were shut down, but transfers from era realms being open again would be really neat with zero downside.


They say it was a money trap, but I’m not seeing it. I think blizzard hates Era because we can’t die. Like an undead troll we regenerate player base and there is nothing blizzard can do about it.


Search classic era bugs and here for a couple other posts about this topic. The Era Shop should be reopened, currently it’s closed. Blizz you know what to do. I have $100 on the table for 4 transfers. It’s pure gold for you with no downside for you. PS. turn off the free transfers off of the RPPvP servers, you know those are only helping the gold farmers.

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Go ahead and post on this thread replying to the blue post please, demanding they restore the paid transfer service

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Anyone know if you can transfer anniversary characters to era? I want to do it before TBC.

Unironically, the main people transferring on era are players who get blacklisted from the community somehow who xfer for the name change for a clean slate. Really hard to steal pots or get blackout drunk in a raid now :joy: I guess its the one silver lining.

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It such an easy problem to solve too if they are just trying to prevent gold trade crap…

Just don’t allow any gold or items that aren’t soul bound to transfer.

Doing so makes it 100% a play option taking the business stuff away.

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Also easily fixed; make it so that any character blacklisted or Friend noted is permanently detectable showing all their past names if you hover over their name in friends list.

Honestly should be a feature so that sleazy worms can’t hide.

This would work regardless of number of transfers

You can’t, but I imagine it will become an option prior to TBC patch.

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It would be real nice the have the Era shop restored tomorrow, Blizz/Microsoft.

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It’s been 6 weeks or so now. No answers.


Please, Blizz, confirm so we know we aren’t going to be forced to TBC.

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Make sure you post in the main thread. Blizzard will never see this post, but we have a blue reply in this one:

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