Transferring to a different account - Realm full

Hello -

I’m trying to transfer a char from Mal’ganis to another bnet, it keeps saying “The Destination realm already has the maximum number of characters allowed”

I’m not sure if its referring to the server capacity or my account - because my other account only has 1 char on Mal’ganis…in fact it only has 1 char in the entire bnet.

Are you saying your other account is full or mostly empty?

If it’s full (or even close, like 49 characters) that might be the issue.

my other account only has 1 char, so its basically empty.

How full is the account from which you are transferring?

There have been recent issues with close to full accounts throwing up that error when you are transferring from it.

Oof, that might be it.

OP, do you have a lowbie you don’t care about? Maybe you can delete that and try again.


This is it, I had to delete like 5 characters on this account and it worked. It wasnt even from the server I was transferring off of either, just all around my account on various servers.


Glad you were able to get it to work.


You might want to file a bug report on it.