Transferred here, and within a day

Realized it’s one of the more toxic realms out there, RP or not. Just a fair warning to anyone who’s thinking of going here, or leaving. They have their high school clique set, and none of them are actually fun. Gate keeping WoWlitists is all I saw.


I haven’t played on that realm since the tail end of BFA so it probably changed in the years since, but I remember that was where I first learned about trp3 by someone recommending it to me.

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Yup that sums it up pretty well. Also everyone left in this community give off strong cybertruck energy.


“I havent been there in 5 years but…” lol

There were still a few good peeps left in BFA, Shadowlands was the end of that.

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A more accurate description would be anyone thinking of going here has to contend with who are now the protectors of the alliance on this realm. The horde guilds here are clearly dead so it’s time to camp off realmers! yawn!

good luck in your endeavors bud.

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Thanks! please at least try to offer a challenge!

You’ve already lost.

The challenge is dodging the 30+ year olds who spam report for nothing. Like children on a playground.


Reported for ageism

  • looks at Lluagor…* Hmmmmm that seems familiar.

Yeh… ED used to be better, kinda trollish now. But there are good players, those that are fun to talk to and do pvp or pve with. Just ignore the trolls.

funny stuff.

Played many years on Emerald Dream. Missed its apparent “golden age” but it was fun for a bit. I never could tell the difference between the guard and warsong battalion.


It’s like the government, one’s red and one’s blue, totally different!!


Project 2025 :scream:

All non pvp RP is banned.

WPVP is mandatory

All alts must be played to max gear, no deletions

Cut all catch up gear from each patch

Mass de-transfers

Condemn unguilded players trying to gear up alts

Enforced mass reports

End guild repairs

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Heck, Mort shows up? Dang. Now all we need is that goblin who was fond of throwing hotdogs at people to arrive and ED forums will be back in style.


It’s me. Hi. I’m the hotdog hurler, it’s me.

(I tend to post on whatever toon I’m currently maining at any given time. People from ED probably know me best as this toon but ED Senneca is canonically dead [RP] Gangland Murder in Durotar! so I switched to Bumblebae. This version of Senn is on WRA, so it’s an AU and she’s still alive over there so I’m back on my BS. It’s a hot mess)

If you think it’s toxic now you would have lost your mind 10 years ago.


Well that excludes Llugor… lol. But we have to make an exception for Royofshadows… that was always entertaining.