Transferred here, and within a day

I hope they let Roy out of prison early. Things really escalated quickly after he got the job at that Vietnamese pedicure studio.

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…sheesh. LOL

That guy hasnt been on this server in years and yall still mad :eyes:


[quote=“Dïesel-emerald-dream, post:19, topic:1964617”]
[/quote] facts! Kind of miss it in a distorted kind of way.

We need Himanshu to return. We need the return of the Warsong Battalion.

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Truth we really do, the time for all to return is nigh. EDs greatest return is inevitable.

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You’re toxic, I’m slippin’ under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re toxic?
And I love what you do
Don’t you know that you’re toxic? :notes: :musical_note: :notes:

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If Pride of Lothar with Kag as GM reforms I’ll come back and relive how great ED was during Legion, WoD before the influx of pvpbros.

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I just got back in WoW after 6 years yesterday. It’s pretty lonely on ED but the few peeps I’ve met at dornugal were nice

Is Kag that dude whos GF was E banging his officers? Damn I dont remember that dudes name. The Blue Wizard guy whos GF was a dirty murlock. Low key she was kinda fugly, had a donk on her tho.

no that was someone else.

why is the donk weighed so heavily?