I hope they let Roy out of prison early. Things really escalated quickly after he got the job at that Vietnamese pedicure studio.
…sheesh. LOL
That guy hasnt been on this server in years and yall still mad
[quote=“Dïesel-emerald-dream, post:19, topic:1964617”]
[/quote] facts! Kind of miss it in a distorted kind of way.
We need Himanshu to return. We need the return of the Warsong Battalion.
Truth we really do, the time for all to return is nigh. EDs greatest return is inevitable.
You’re toxic, I’m slippin’ under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re toxic?
And I love what you do
Don’t you know that you’re toxic?
If Pride of Lothar with Kag as GM reforms I’ll come back and relive how great ED was during Legion, WoD before the influx of pvpbros.
I just got back in WoW after 6 years yesterday. It’s pretty lonely on ED but the few peeps I’ve met at dornugal were nice
Is Kag that dude whos GF was E banging his officers? Damn I dont remember that dudes name. The Blue Wizard guy whos GF was a dirty murlock. Low key she was kinda fugly, had a donk on her tho.
no that was someone else.
why is the donk weighed so heavily?