Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

Listen to the crowd!
Unlock Pagle for paid transfers, and Sulfuras for character creation.

Can you please unlock sulfuras, thanks.


Why arnt transfers open when you have characters on a realm already? Its still only 1 login or connection


Do we even have an ETA when transfers will reopen on Mankryk?

We have people wanting to xfer to join our raid team and can’t, it’s a bit frustrating. I understand why it was done, and how it prevented the queue times on the server, but it seems to me the queues are behind us? we only had them for a week.


Any estimate on when Sulfuras might be open for new character creation would be greatly appreciated.


Unlock Sulfuras before the alliance population dies, we got friends ready to play with us and no queues for weeks. Hurry up


Unlock sulfuras please we literally transferred from bene to have our friends play with us and we got a homie stranded. I will literally suck toes for this to happen


Have multiple friends looking to play/raid with us on Sulfuras. People coming back to the game that cannot create on our server. We took the leap of faith as a guild to sulf when it was still considered dead on day one of transfers and can’t get everyone over post server lock. No ques on server and alliance needs more.
Please unlock Sulfuras


Could you please unlock sulfuras. We have all our friends on sulfuras. We moved from benediction at your request. We have a few that where away and not able to move in the time that was permitted. I have not seen a que in some weeks so it makes no sense not to allow transfers or new character creation. The players needing to move will finish out our ten man raid group. We do not want to move forward without them letting someone else fill the gap then having to kick new raid memeber because of this server lock.


I can’t understand why I can boost a new character on Pagle and yet can’t transfer a different lower level alt even though I have an 80 here? What could possibly be the reasoning behind this?


Open Mankrik for transfers, this is ridiculous. No queue’s since week of launch. I have $25 to throw at you and you won’t let me pay you.


Another vote to unlock Sulfuras!


my issue is with wow WoTLK Classic. So as a guild we were going to server transfer to another server from Faerlina to Eranikus. after discussing that the queue would get better, we all decided to stay on faerlina but I had already moved my main. now i won’t be able to raid with the guild on my desired character. I really want to play on my druid, and it was a "Jump the gun’ mistake. please help me out here ill even pay for the transfer. There is zero Queue for faerlina as we speak. i think its safe to allow paid transfers to faerlina. Its time

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This really sucks. I had no idea I wouldn’t be able to transfer to my friends who were on Mankrik when I came back and started leveling up to 80. Now I’m stuck on another server. I probably wouldn’t have bothered coming back to play if I knew I couldn’t transfer to play with my friends group on Mankrik.


There is a very simple mathematical reason why boosting new characters on Mankrik is allowed while transferring to Mankrik is not, despite the impact on the server being identical: $50 > $25.

So Blizzard, I’ll make you a deal (and give you a keen business idea for free). Make it so that people are only allowed to transfer characters to Mankrik if they’ve previously boosted a character on Mankrik. Boom, now you just made $75 minimum instead of just $50.

Its time to update this and allow me to bring my Alt over to Pagle.


My characters on Benediction that were deleted that i tried to restore are unable to be undeleted after the realm got locked because i migrated to Eranikus. I have written blizzard and currently have a ticket put in to get this fixed so I don’t permanently lose those characters. @Blizzard fix this and allow the free migration to Erankius. I really do not want to lose these characters.

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The launch hype has passed and there are still a lot of people locked out from playing with our friends. It’s time to unlock the servers, at least for character creation, so we can play with friends. This game isn’t much fun when our friends are on a different server with no way to play with them.


Unlock Mankrik. Unlock all the servers. This policy is just a cash grab, the community knows and see its. Stop ruining the game for people.


Anotheer vote to unlock Sulfuras! Come on!