You’re out of touch just like the rest of the corporate world. No wonder EA is failing, this game has been around for nearly two decades and the decision makers haven’t learned a thing from any mistakes made in the past.
Here is a simple question: Why is there not another RP-PvP realm available to transfer to off of Grobbulus? There are a lot of RP-PvP players that would happily move to another server if there was an actual transfer option available to them.
Any status on how long free xfers are taking to process today? (9/27)
im cancelling, not transferring. i cant believe a company like this is offering only poop solutions. i hope a meteor hits u in the face
i almost took a free transfer but their pvp option had ~50 people on each faction… FIFTY
only 6 hour queues? Jealous. If i get home at 6 and hopped in queue right now I wouldnt be on until… 5:30AM tomorrow morning.
Benediction, what a disaster.
Bye. Not going to play a game alone instead of with my friends. We’ll just play some other game that allows something that every game should allow
open character creation on realms, if we want to sit in que that is our decision
Create 2 new servers. One for transfers and one for fresh starters. Will fix abit of queue.
Trying to transfer from Faerlina to Earthfury but it says I’m the captain of an arena team when I don’t even have an arena team. Position in queue is 12k. I just want to play the game
I have been in a 9 Hour queue on grobbulus so far, and It still is at 200 minutes left, If this is going to be a problem… I would advise re-opening Deviate Delight so folks that want the PvP-RP scene can move there, as- Most folks on grobb are staying because it IS PvP-RP, If we have a choice to go to another one that is such- Grobbulus queues would go down… I wont be transferring to a purely PvP realm, or a purely RP realm- and I know i am not the only one…
so im on benediction and i cant transfer because my toon has mail, so i need to wait anyways to get in and delete emails, crazy
How about we get a blue post that actually states the reasoning for the server mergers in the first place? The thought and data that went into deciding that it was a valid and good idea rather than just at temporary band-aid fix until you can identify the next cash grab of forcing transfers to potentially dead servers to be able to play the game that you’re already paying for?
The distinct lack of blue posts regarding the topic is disgusting. I and I’m sure many others took time off to be able to play the game and instead we’re met with a queue time of over 12+ hours due to Blizzard’s own ineptitude.
Please unlock sulfuras to character creation at least. The server hardly has a que compared to unlocked servers
Is there anyone in Bloodsail know how population is, at least at 70?
Waited 7 hours to log in today. Game crashed after 1.5 hours of play and i got an error BLZBNTAGT00000AF0 couldn’t find game file. Took me 10 minutes to fix and when i logged in im in another 5 hour queue. I dont want to leave server and all my friends.
You have to leave the server and all your friends
Activision Blizzard net worth as of September 26, 2022 is $58.63B
I just really hope blizzard will allow people to transfer back to these high population servers as soon as the queues disappear (which they will, and always do). I just hope its done in a timely fashion. PLEASE! dont separate me from everyone i play with!!! we all had to take transfers since 6 hour queues are unplayable…
I hit log in last night at 5:45 server, I got in at just after midnight server. Got to run 3 whole Nexus runs, hit 71, turned in the couple of Nexus quests I held on to for making level 71 a little faster and went and passed out hard in my bed from staying up late so I could work a little bit of time into WoW. I have my prot paladin from Classic on Benediction, I was thinking of having him ready to go if I ever wanted to swap back, but leveling from 60-80 without the buff on a server that has four servers worth of players in the queue sounds worse than having 3 servers worth of players in the queue.