Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

No, when the WOTLK hype dies down they want some of these locked servers to die as well so they can charge $25 a pop for xfers again.

Hate to break it to you but there won’t be any consideration on Blizzard’s part. I’ve had my ticket go unanswered for over a week now. Either start leveling on Sulf with your friends or unsubscribe.

This is simple
 Blizzard only cares about money my friend
 they create the problem to sell the solution. You’re stuck in a dead server but your friends aren’t. So the only possible solution to ENJOY the game is to have all your friends paying 25 for each toon to transfer to your dead server if you guys wanted to play together. I have a group of friends that we have been paying and playing together this game since 2004 and we are in a similar situation and we are going to be gone soon if this don’t change because playing this game alone is not funny anymore.

And yes
 forget about playing with friends, forget about enjoying the game, $$$ is the only matter here. And yes, we are still paying to play this game!

Either that or open up free xfers to Earthfury from some of the megaservers and help maybe bring it back to life.

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Hey there. Forgive me for a double post but I still have yet to hear anything about this and it’s coming down to crunch time.

What is going on with Sulfuras transfers? I understand free transfers have expired now, and are no longer being accepted, but neither are paid for transfers. The server just kind of quietly got locked, and nothing has ever been said about it. I’d also be curious to know why you can’t transfer characters to locked servers you already have a pre-existing character on when you can only take up 1 spot on the server per account anyway. I can’t log into all 5 of my characters at once on 1 account, and can only use 1 at a time, so why is it I’m stopped from PAYING to transfer characters from Benediction to Sulfuras, which I already have existing level 70’s on?

We’re 1 week away from Wrath launch, and I feel like something has to be said


That’s not what is going on here. We’re literally asking to pay to transfer, just to the new servers like Eranikus that are locked. So despite being willing to throw money at them to get my mains back, plus guildies having another 2-3 mains and about 15 alts they also want transferred once paid transfers open, we’re just getting radio silence. It’s just days till release, and a lot of guild just want to be whole again. People don’t want to throw away their characters and years of time spent on them.

still no update from blizzard
they really messed up.


I don’t see the point of having Eranikus locked, the only way to join that server is having characters on a mega server and free transferring them. Right now Faerlina for example doesn’t have queue anymore so no point of moving out from Faerlina to Eranikus. Also new players cannot create characters in mega servers neither Eranikus. So I don’t understand Blizzard mentality about filling Eranikus or being locked. If they don’t fix this this is going to be another dead server early in the xpansion.


Please unlock Eranikus.


Literally this
 Why would I free transfer off Faerlina so my friends still cannot join us because they are both locked. Haven’t had a queue on Faerlina in over a week now too.


Unlock the realms please


Cant join any pvp servers because they are all locked


When will Sulfuras open for transfers? My friends all went there and now I’m stuck with my main on another server. I’ve made some alts on Sulfuras why can’t I PAY to have my main there as well??


I opened a ticket using the website, not in-game. It said about 11 hours to be answered, but when I got in game it says 9 days. A week later it was at 13 days until response, then they closed the ticket saying they are currently experiencing a high volume of tickets and not able to respond at this time. If I still had the same problem to respond to the ticket. Or to just search the forums for help from other players.

Seconding. Please unlock Eranikus


there is no reason Eranikus should be locked at this point. The server desperately needs players from both factions and it has seemingly been ignored by blizzard since it’s creation aside from the myriad of bugs and weird forgotten details. Please Blizzard Unlock Eranikus for paid transfers. There is no way this server can succeed in its current state


Hey guys, can you tell us if opening character creation on eranikus is viable? I have so many friends who want to join this new server and pay the 70 boost but they are locked since they don’t have any char in classic.


We have had the same issue on Earthfury since Blizz forgot it was a server and deleted it for a time when they consolidated all the dead servers with Sulfuras. Forst they tried to tell us we were wrong, EF was just a classic era server! Then they finally admitted they messed up and brought it back online. Haven’t heard a word from them about it since, meanwhile they have opened multiple new servers and offered free xfers them and Sulfuras. Yet Earthfury still just left to rot.

Still don’t understand why they opened Erankus/Angerforge when EF was sitting here and desperately needs a population influx to be a viable server heading into wrath


There is seriously no reason why eranikus should be locked. Im hoping they unlock it soon so I can play with my guild.


Apprently all the queues are gone, can we unlock everything so our friends can join us and have time to level before launch pls
(I’m on Skyfury)