Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

Okay cool, so they open a new server for everyone to join… and nobody goes. Awesome! great plan.

So you force half the server to xfer? Great, the 20,000 people who PAID MONEY TO PLAY ON BENEDICTION are now going to sue you because you forced them off.

You have no solutions, only awful insults.

It’s pretty simple. Check Ironforge Pro to see the server populations as of this past week: why would anyone transfer from a booming server of 15K+ to populations of 800 (Sulfuras) and 350 (Old Blanchy), respectively? If they’re going to offer a free server transfer to another server, make it one that at least has some life on it.

I mean I might consider it if I hadn’t paid for me and a friend to transfer from Sulfuras to Benediction literally 2 days ago.

Okay cool… then name some lol.

There arent any.

Sue them? Yeah okay buddy. Try again.

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You paid for a service and were forced off for no reason. So basically, sold them a product not for sale. Its america bro, people sue over anything.

Their definition of “Full” shifts with the goal posts. How can Mankrik be full at ~7K, and Benediction is also full at 18.5K. Windseeker and Westfall would both be fine PVE choices.

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Sure, but we dont konw the real data… westfall could be near the limit even though ironforge doesnt look that bad.

Mankrik doesnt have queues but they locked it just in case.

Pretty sure no one is forcing you to do anything bro. Your choice on how you want to play a game on their service.

If we are going to Lock Mankirk why can;t we transfer off for free, this is redic.

If they force you off of benediction after you paid to be there… id call that forcing.

Idk what youd call it.

Totally agreed with you.

I do like the the spirit of this.

I will try this at lunch lol. have a timer to burn off still. If bypassed…and it works it be cool

I am heavily instanced at this point when I can get in. I have been camped more recently on pve. so yeah go to city. av av av av av av av. Did I mention av? not sure if I did. I can do this from anywhere really.

all those people I saw in AV last night from faerlina…I’d still see as name-old blanchy. and some cool allaince from bene. I’d see them too. Like I do in retail. I see old friends from my OCE servers days all the time. I left oce servers in retail 2 years or so ago. I still say wassup to some cael peeps as I see them to this day.

and I could pve more. I tire of “your gear sucks”. thank you bg random. I was not aware of that. 3 geared 70’s are doing geared 70 things to non geared levelers has made things…interesting.

AH probably sucks. don’t use it much anyway.

Don’t dungeon since lfg has never been kind to me. Oh no I lose dungeons…I don’t get.

It be like me regretting dumping Charlize therone as a gf in the past. Oh wait a second. that…never happened.

not everyone. there was a good 7k players here before everyone mass transferred

You want us to leave the only RPPvP server without an option for another RPPvP?

Good luck with that.


Blizzard please open the migration up to the other low populated servers. I would love to transfer off Benediction to Westfall, but that is not an option? Your server options for free transfers are not lucrative to anyone thinking about changing over.

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This it the EXACT reason the servers are so messed up. They should have only let certain factions go to certain servers. kept a balance and a limit in ratio difference.


It’s always like Blizzard is one step behind with server stuff.

I’m one of the few who has been watching all of these server problems unfold over more than a year because I find the whole thing interesting and I genuinely find it sad when server communities die. Say what you will this is the truth for me.

Anyway, I too thought that maybe the infrastructure could handle more people.

Then Firemaw EU happened, and the blue post about the limitations.

Server transfers should have been closed right then to the biggest servers, to prevent this from happening now.

instead of that what happened is that PVE to PVP tranfsers got opened, maybe because people on here kept going on and on about wanting PVE to PVP server transfers. The reasons I read were entirely selfish but it was a “stomp your feet and demand and who cares about the consequences” sort of thing from these players.

So now even more people were allowed to stack on the big servers.

When those PVE to PVP servers happened the first thing I said about was the early Wrath queues.

These queues were always going to happen, Firemaw EU was proof. I could see it as clear as day, so I am in no way surprised about the queues. Where was the foresight from Blizzard?

After seeing all of that transfer money shelled out it really makes you wonder.

The whole thing is really too bad.


There is no other choice all the active realms they locked lol - trying to force people to sulf and old blanchy. Its CLEAR that players didnt want to be there and they spoke with their $17.50 discounted xfers blizz offered over the summer. BLIZZ implemented this and now wants to try to force people back to dead realms?

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they literally just offered discounted transfers off those realms 2 months back and now want to offer free ones back to get you pay again when you realize its still dead

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