Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

Dude, its 2022. This is 2004. Mega servers are a thing and are possible.

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Blizzard always messes things up. I want to move my shaman off the 10,000+ que server but I either get a WEST COAST PvE server or a FULL PvP server on the east coast. Just let me transfer to the server of my choice that doesn’t have as many people.


But why Pagle? We don’t even have any queues.

So pointless and dumb, but hey thanks for wasting our time. :slight_smile:

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Like everyone else probably noticed… Restricting transfers to overpopulated servers but allowing players to create new characters/death knights/boost to 70 on those same overpopulated servers kinda defeats the point. How was this a fix?

You’re trying to keep population from rising so people can actually play the game in a timely manner- but we’re stuck on dead servers with our mains/alts and cant play the game at all. Players on dead servers should have no restrictions when it comes to leaving that server. We should be able to leave a dead server at ANY TIME & go to ANY SERVER. Players who are unable to play the game at all due to dead servers should have priority.


Good CCpost by Mispeled on server queues. Give it a read and a like if you agree:

This get unpinned?


Or… you know, they can work on spreading out the population so you don’t have 6k queues on one server and you aren’t on a dead server anymore? Crazy thought, right?

What does it mean if this gets unpinned? Are they planning on unlocking transfers?

I wonder if xfers will open soon?

I noticed that too, so strange.

You unpinned both US and EU free character topics, are transfers closing? Gehennas, Thekal, Golemagg all still have queues on EU side.

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Blizzard has demonstrated they are incapable of managing healthy realm populations. Tons of mismanagement since name reservations pre-classic launch (They should have locked realms much sooner), and all the way to today.

In fact they make a ton of money allowing these problems to manifest. People spend $$$ using the Xfer Service. Or if they use the free xfer to a dead realm, they’ll make $$$ when they have to xfer off that dead realm later.

So I don’t think this will change.

But at this point (since they’ve already bastardized classic with changes), they might as well use modern sharding technology and ditch the importance of realms altogether. Your customers are paying for a product that they can’t use in a meaningful way (with their guild/friends that are already established together on a server).

Fix your crap blizzard.


TBC launch had 38 layers on Faerlina and minimal lag while a DDOS was occuring. No Queue.

Bene has 2-3 layers and a 5 hour queue. It’s artificial and players aren’t stupid enough to transfer to dead realms this time, because most of us have already had to pay 100+ dollars to xfer off of them.


can we scrap the whole server idea and make it like runescape? you could even limit the number of a faction per channel and make it so you can switch when ever you want to solve the imbalance problem. just make a layer menu in game that allows you to switch to w/e one you want…


Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their queue this afternoon.

We are coming up on a full week of 1.5 to 3+ hour queues for Grobbulus. At what point does it become appropriate to issue refunds or game time for the inconvenience?

Additionally, I have noted a great resurgence of players with roleplay add-ons popping up on Grobb. It has been a barren wasteland for roleplay for some time now, maybe if a new RPPvP realm were to become available for transfer it might get some traction… just saying!

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Yeah… We deserve some answers… Although I feel like we may already have them… :eyes:

Don’t fall for it. Double Down and stay on your servers. I would rather wait in queue than have my server die and have to paid transfer back so Bobby can get a Mega-yacht.

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Stock Value trending down for the quarter, Boddy needs to cash out. Come on everyone, transfer to these dead servers and have to transfer back when they die again so he can shine at the end of next quarter!

Such great work guys wow truly impressed with how much you’ll penetrate the fan base with no lube.