Transfer Aborted: Instance not Found

I’ve been getting this issue since about 48 hours ago.

It takes multiple failed loading screens to get into an instance or through a portal. And when inside a dungeon/instance, if I get another “Transfer Aborted: Instance not Found”, i get booted out to the character select screen, and have to wait for the “Not your Instance” mechanic to teleport me out and if that fails, I get booted to the character select screen again.

I am unable to take Flight Paths because if I do, and when the FP crosses from one zone to the next, I might get a “Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found” which immediately boots me off the FP in mid air to my death.

I’ve lost the daily Vision quest because of it.

I’ve done literally everything I could find suggested, from Flushing my DNS, to resetting my router, to removing the WTF and local interface files, to scan and repair, to uninstalling and reinstalling.

I’ve already checked my network repeatedly seems like there’s nothing wrong on my home network, and I’ve seen several posts of issues similar to mine with no fixes in sight.

What gives?

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11 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] Singapore - Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found

16 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] Hawaiian Telcom - Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found

We’re currently aware of the Transfer Aborted: Instance not found issues with Singapore ISPs, could you include the requested details on this thread?

Let’s continue the discussion on the main thread to keep reports centralized, closing this one here!