Disconnects after leaving BGs and unable to get into BGs

After server maintenance, I keep getting random disconnects after leaving BGs. I have never had this issue before and I didn’t configure anything to it prior.

I sometimes unable to get into BG instances after it shows “Transfer Aborted: instance not found”

Here is what I tried to resolve with no fix:
Disabled all addons.
Deleted all addons
Uninstalled and reinstall WoW classic, including deletion of all WoW registries.
Changed DNS servers.
Updated all drivers.
Rebooted my router.
Rebooted my PC.

Is there any other alternative solutions to fix connection issues? Please help

Do you happen to be in Hawaii? Many players there seem to be having the same problem:

I am also having the EXACT issue, I am also from hawaii.
Any word on a solution?

Not Hawaii. It’s in Singapore.

Looks like both Hawaii and Singapore connections routed to one faulty blizzard server before reaching instance.

might be speculations though.