"transfer aborted: instance not found" when trying to do dungeons

So I’ve been leveling a bunch of alts, and so far two of them have a high chance of getting “transfer aborted: instance not found” when accepting a dungeon queue. Everyone else in the dungeon group enters fine, but the game keeps thinking instance isn’t found for me, and only me.

As in: I can see the party interface and 4 other people in the party being inside the dungeon zone, I can chat with them, but if I try to teleport into the dungeon via the LFG eye at the minimap, the game will spaz out and insist that instance is not found no matter how many times I try.

Technical support forum ignored me. GM ticket will take 9 more days. I am fairly certain it is either a character or a server side issue, but just in case - any advice? Is there anything I can do or check to fix this issue? It happens with BGs as well; But also, it doesn’t happen every time. There’s no pattern. Sometimes I can do 2-4 dungeons just fine, sometimes I can queue for 3 in a row and all 3 won’t work.

It’s not staffed 24/7.

It shouldn’t take that long. Ticket times are around 3-4 days atm.

It could be a connectivity issue. Something between your computer and the Blizzard servers. Or between your realm server and the instance server. Tech Support would be better for tracking this down.

One thing to try is resetting your UI. Use this article to do it. If you rename “interface” and “wtf” instead of deleting them you can restore them after you check. Even if you don’t use addons this is a good troubleshooting step to try.
Resetting the WoW User Interface - Blizzard Support

Another thing to try is a scan and repair.
Repairing Blizzard Games - Blizzard Support

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