Hey Kaerei, who is it that is trying to get a hold of us? Sume won’t be able to check this till later tonight. Have them add me Gremlin141#1928 on bnet or Gremlin141 on discord I’m the guild leader.
Thank you Kaerei!
Thanks for the quick reply! I passed on your contact info. Hopefully they’ll get in touch with you soon!
What is the Atiesh discord server I have two on my list currently. Thank you for reaching out to us.
This is the only one I know of, that isn’t the Atiesh PVE Leader’s Discord.
My request for mage food was answered with lots of mages… we still have high need hunters, rogues, and locks for our main raiding group. Our raid times are weekends, 4PM-8PM PST. Non-raiding members are welcome.
Our web site is: https:// transcendence.wowalliances .com.
(Remove the space in that link )
For more information contact Sumela#1837 or Gremlin141#1928 and Discord on discord Gremlin141#0062.
Hello Fugu,
Not sure if anyone got back with you. You can add me on Battlenet at Sumela@1837, or try the website also. The space is between https:// Transcendence.wowalliances .com just remove those and should work.
This sounds like a nice guild for me. I am a new player to classic, when it initially came out I was 7 or 8, never got the chance to play. Really looking forward to raiding, I will be rolling a rogue for classic. Sent friend requests to Sumela and Drizzal. Azrael#13933
Hello Amahran,
I got your friend request. Welcome. You can leave me a message on battlenet and I’ll get back to you when I can.
Doing a bump and saying besides getting a hold of Sumela or myself you can also look for Tzipi about joining the guild. Ill let him add his contact info himself.
My bnet tag is tzipi#11442, and my discord tag is tzipi#1433. I’m happy to talk about our classic guild anytime. One week until launch… so excited.
We’ve updated our recruiting needs: open for rogues. All other roles are currently low needs… if our raid times work out for you, I encourage to come join us. There is a lot of play between launch, leveling, and raiding.
If you have questions, please contact any of us anytime:
Bnet: Sumela#1837. Gremlin141#1928, or Tzipi#11442
Discord: Gremlin141#0062. Tzipi#1433
I’ll update the original post also as I get a chance here at work.
Heya, I sent you guys a bnet friend request. I’m debating maining a rogue or war and you guys seem to have open spots for rogue. Do you guys by any chance know when your raiding hours will be?
Went ahead and created an account on your guild site (hope you don’t mind). Will be primarily leveling solo and maining a warlock, but your raid times are inline with my schedule, so you look promising. See you in the world!
Hello Sycent and Demstrado,
Welcome. I’ll get the request later tonight. I work a late swing and need to get some supplies for my business.
Raid times are 4 pm to 8 pm Pacific time on Saturday and Sunday. I’ll make sure the post has it updated. I was really busy last week so I may have missed it.
Sycent, we can use more rogues. Think it took us all off guard as we found more tanks and healers before enough DPS.
It was definitely a surprise for me. Then again, the rogues could just be lurking in the shadows waiting to pop on us all on launch day… Rogues, come out early… we need you.
Contact information for Transcendence on Atiesh:
Bnet: Sumela#1837. Gremlin141#1928, or Tzipi#11442
Discord: Gremlin141#0062. Tzipi#1433
That’s what rogues do the best. Hiding and sneaking.
We are currently closing off recruiting for raiders. Do not want to over recruit. If you still like to join, we are still accepting. We want to build a great community.
I am looking for a guild that raids at your day and time. If you’re still looking for more, I will be playing a mage as my main. I do have experience with Vanilla wow having raided till Naxx.
Bnet: Victorious#1569
Hi Pandacea,
I sent you a bnet friend request. Let’s talk tomorrow.
Recruitment is closed for raiding but we’re still open to player looking for a great community on Atiesh.
Contact information for Transcendence on Atiesh:
Bnet: Sumela#1837. Gremlin141#1928, or Tzipi#11442
Discord: Gremlin141#0062. Tzipi#1433