Transcendence (A) - Atiesh (Semi-hardcore) Weekend Raiding

Hi all. I updated the current needs for what we are currently lacking. All are still welcomed to join. Everything is fresh. We have a high need for dps.

Thanks everyone for the interest.

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Hi, I just sent a friend request Iā€™m (Broomsticks#11282). Iā€™d very much like to join the guild. The character Iā€™ll be playing on is a warlock named ā€œBroomsticksā€ on Atiesh. Iā€™ve played WOW casually for a while and find it exciting to experience Classic for the first time. Would like to stay with a group from the beginning to endgameā€¦ or longer.

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Hello Broomsticks I got your requests, sorry I wasnā€™t home at the time. I accepted them and sent a message on discord.

Sorry for being dumb but what time zone is the weekends 4pm raiding under? My gameplay will be more limited to weekends so this guild fits. I would like to role a mage and I do know from classic that I literally bind frostbolt and just keep pressing that button :joy: seriously though can make food and water out of thin air! Vanilla I beat Mc, BWL, ZG, AQ20 AQ40 to twin emps(killed the guild) and remember like it was yesterday.


Not being dumb Leeanda its a legit question, 4pm PST is west coast time.

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Hi Broomsticks. I accepted also. You can leave a message through battlenet if you like also. I always try to respond back.

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Doing a bump, still accepting people who want a friendly guild to level, dungeon, pvp and raid with. Even if you donā€™t want to raid you are more than welcome to Transcendence.

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hi there,

have a
and a friend how is a hunter-Bakhus

both of us raided in vin+bc but gave up and just farted around after that. friend is out of town right now.

not sure if we will raid again due to time/other life, but I can kinda see us getting back into it (5 mans, and maybe raiding). if we donā€™t it would be nice to get some help once in a blue from guildies and maybe do some 5 mans. both of us are OLDER (in the 50s), and pretty laid back.

not sure we would be hard core like we were back when but still nice to see some green chat :wink:

at work right now and did not look to hard how to sign up. for guild. still have to talk to Bakhus about it.

cheers all,



Howdy, well you and your friends are welcome to join and be part of the group making new friends. Just go to the site at the beginning of the post mind you there are spaces put in so we could add it to the post.

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Just a bump to gather more guildies.


Just because classic hasnā€™t launched doesnā€™t mean a healer canā€™t go looking for mage foodā€¦ mage slots are open.

We still have high needs for rogues, warlocks, and hunters.


Still recruiting looking for some rogues, warlocks and hunters. If you donā€™t want to raid you are still welcome in the guild.


Four of the classic realms are fullā€¦ Atiesh is Highā€¦ it looks like we will have a great realm population.

Transcendence is growing dailyā€¦ exciting watching the community build even before launchā€¦ we still have dps roles open: rogues, locks, hunters.

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I am interested in joining Transcendence for classic WoW. What is the best way to contact someone in the guild for an invite?


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Myself or Sume currently, in game quite a few people will have invite access when the game launches. Hit me up on bnet or discord and we will be good.

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I canā€™t seem to log into the website, and in Discord all I can access it the Atiesh-US channel. Is this where you will be recruiting?

We can, the website has spaces in it so we can post it on the forums. The space is between https:// Transcendence.wowalliances .com just remove those and should work otherwise add me on bnet and I can link them directly.

I have removed the spaces and it still doesnā€™t find the website. I tried looking you up on bnet and it could not find Drizzal. Can you contact me on Discord at Zoso#8899. Thanks.

Ahhh I need to post it again to keep it up to date but its Gremlin141#1928 I sent you a request.

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Hey, Sumela!

Weā€™ve got someone in the Atiesh Discord looking for someone to reach out to for Transcendence, but they canā€™t seem to find anyone. I directed them here, hopefully they can get in touch with one of you guys. :slight_smile: