Transcendence (A) - Atiesh (Semi-hardcore) Weekend Raiding


We’ll be forming up the guild immediately upon launch. A reminder to members to whisper an officer for ginivites. If you are still looking a great community, please join us. Many of us are already in discord sharing this incredible day.

Contact information for Transcendence on Atiesh:
Bnet: Sumela#1837. Gremlin141#1928, or Tzipi#11442
Discord: Gremlin141#0062. Tzipi#1433


Just sent a request. I’m interested in joining you all :slight_smile: I’m Luminaea#1581

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We got the guild up and running.

Wanted to say hello from the baby night elf bear.

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Hello, Transcendence,
I’ve been playing WoW since launch and have enjoyed each expansions content–especially Vanilla’s. I’m open to progression and playing with teammates. Mature, army vet, and avid gamer looking for a home. You guys sound great! I’m at Mythraen#1381. I friend requested Sumela on August 28th. ^^

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Greetings Ratblood.

I am currently at work and will get it in a few hours. I work a late swing. So I end up missing some people tell I get home. I do always try and get back to you.

Hi there! Working on leveling up a few characters and joined Atiesh with a couple friends who told me about your guild. Currently leveling a lock and interested in joining, if possible :)! Bnet is NerfinRage#11536

I’ll add you and talk to you in game. Welcome!

What were some of the guilds you guys were from on Kilrogg? I was Guild Leader of Brotherhood of Rahl back in those days on Kilrogg. Are you guys sending out open invitations currently or have pre-req’s? Thanks!

Hi, we are now accepting causal members. I for a time headed The Legacy. That was tell I found out about things from it. I also was an officer in Whitehawks Reborn. We didnt realize the issues from the original Whitehawks gave us. WHR came about from an internal take over from a guy that managed to seize the legacy and whitehawks to make his own guild.

As far as we are concerned we should had named it something else. As a guild we have a good group so far. Its starting to feel like a family. With a bunch that raided into Naxx during vanilla.

Hey there. I’m interested in joining if you’re still accepting new folks?

I sent a bnet friend request to you Sumela.